1. 從普普藝術的興起到當代卡漫藝術的氾濫,藉由二十世紀通俗藝術的發展對現代及當代的藝術商業化傾向及藝術風格有一基本的理解。 2. 以西方通俗藝術以及東北亞卡漫的視覺圖像為基礎,將青少年次文化與當代藝術創作做出美學造型上的連結。 3. 培養對當代藝術的欣賞能力,刺激對創意產業的興趣及可能性。1. From the rise of Pop art to the proliferation of contemporary Card Man art, through the development of popular art in the twentieth century, it has a basic understanding of modern and contemporary artistic commercialization and artistic style. 2. Based on Western popular art and the visual images of Northeast Asia, the aesthetic style of young people's secondary culture and contemporary art creation will be made. 3. Cultivate the ability to appreciate contemporary art and stimulate their interest and possibilities for creative industries.
1. 王受之,《世界現代美術發展》,藝術家出版社,台北,2001
2. 陸蓉之,《破後現代藝術》,藝術家出版社,台北,2003
3. 陸蓉之,《藝術工蜂-Viki LuLu 遇見未來》,大鴻藝術股份有限公司,2012
4. 畢恆達,《塗鴉鬼飛踢》,遠流出版事業股份有限公司,台北,2011
5. 村上隆,《藝術創業論》,江明玉譯,商周出版,台北,2011
6. Atkins, Robert. Art Speak.《藝術開講》,黃麗絹譯,台北,藝術家出版社,2000
7. Lippard, Lucy R. Pop art. 《普普藝術》,張正仁譯,台北,遠流出版社,1995
1. Wang Yinzhi, "The Development of Modern Art of the World", Artist Press, Taipei, 2001
2. Lu Rongzhi, "Hyundai Art", Artist Press, Taipei, 2003
3. Lu Rongzhi, "Art Gong Bee-Viki Lulu Meet the Future", Dahong Art Co., Ltd., 2012
4. Bi Hengda, "Graffiti Ghost Flying Kick", Yuanliu Publishing Business Co., Ltd., Taipei, 2011
5. Murakami Murakami, "Art Entrepreneurship", translated by Jiang Mingyu, published by Shang and Zhou Dynasties, Taipei, 2011
6. Atkins, Robert. Art Speak.
7. Lippard, Lucy R. Pop Art.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席率與課堂表現出席率與課堂表現 Attendance rate and classroom performance |
40 | |
期中報告期中報告 Mid -term report |
30 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
30 |