余光中先生為現代詩壇巨擘,持續創作超過一甲子,主題之多元與產量之豐沛,無出其右者,舉凡對中國古老與現代的鄉愁,異國遊子的情懷,親情和當代環境的關注等等各個面向,皆著力甚深,發人深省;反覆再三,令人時有共鳴。本課程將從余先生的1000多首詩作中選讀100首經典名詩,深刻體會詩人的文學之旅,而透過作者與讀者的書頁對話,本課程也將是滌淨靈魂的深度賞析。課程中對於余先生詩中所出現的西洋與中國的典故,也將有詳細的解釋。Mr. Yu Guangzhong is a giant in modern poetry. He continues to create more than one man. The diverse and output of the theme. Those who have no right right, for the people's feelings for ancient and modern Chinese nostalgia, exotic travelers, affection and contemporary environment, etc. Facilities are very strong, and they are deeply provinced; repeated again and again, there is a resonance from time to time. This course will read 100 classic poems from Mr. Yu's more than 1,000 poems to deeply appreciate the poet's literary journey. Through the book dialogue between the book and readers, this course will also be the in -depth appreciation of the cleaning soul. In the course, there will be detailed explanations for the western and Chinese allusions in Mr. Yu's poems.
相關參考書目 (Other Useful Readings)
余光中,《余光中詩選 I, II 兩輯》(台北:洪範出版公司,2006。)
Chen Fangming edited, "Selection of 60 Years of Yu Guangzhong" (Taipei: Yinjian Culture, 2008.)
Related reference book
Chen Xinghui, "Reading Yu Guangzhong" (Taipei: Erya Publishing Company, 2002.)
Yu Guangzhong, "Selection of I, II" (Taipei: Hong Fan Publishing Company, 2006.)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂分組報告課堂分組報告 Class group report |
30 | |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
30 | |
出席出席 Attend |
40 |