---to develop the skills needed to understand and appreciate literature by women
---to learn and practice the basic techniques of close reading—reading with careful attention to the formal and semantic features of a literary work by female writers
---to give students more understanding on the women’s movement and gender theories
---to strengthen students’ ability to interpret literary ideas both orally and in writing
This course provides a broad chronological overview that allows students to appreciate fully the female literary tradition which has coexisted with, revised, and influenced male literary models. This course also provides a diversity in genres, ethnic and geographical traditions, and the representation of individual female authors. --- To Develop The Skills Needed to UndersTand and Appreciated Liticture by WOMEN
--- To Learn and Practice The Basic Techniques of Close Reading — Reading with Careful Attention to the Formal and Semantic FEATURES of a Literary by Female S
--- To Give Students More UndersTnding on the Women ’s Movement and Gener theories
--- To Streangthen Students ’Abadees to Interpret Literary Ideas Both Olly and In Writing
This course process a "Broadology overview that all all all all allarows studers to appreciate the felly tradition which has coexisted with. , And Influenced Male Literary Models. This Course Also Provides a Diversity in Genres, Ethnic and Geographical Traditation l female Authors.
instructor’s collection
Instructor 'is Collection
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
In-class participation: 20% (including attendance and participation) In-class participation: 20% (including attendance and participation) In-Class Participation: 20% (Including Attention and Participation) |
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