course information of 106 - 2 | 3226 Humanities: Taiwan History and Human During the Reign of(人文:日治時期的台灣歷史與人物)

Taught In English3226 - 人文:日治時期的台灣歷史與人物 Humanities: Taiwan History and Human During the Reign of

教育目標 Course Target

本課程是站在台灣主體與人道精神的立場上,以及大歷史的角度,來認識縱觀日治時期的政治與經濟、文教、社會發展的重大歷程。台灣在日本統治究竟給台灣留下那些深遠的影響,那就是經歷了殖民地化與近代化的雙重歷史過程,殖民地化是十分負面的經驗,近代化則是正面評價居多,此方面的事實解釋力求客觀平實,並介紹在日治時期對台灣的建設、發展與改革有重大貢獻的台灣人與日本人,俾能有助於對台灣史日治時期乃至總體社會國家更進一步的瞭解與認識,進而培養宏遠的世界觀。This course is a major journey to understand the political and economic, cultural, educational, and social development during the Japanese rule of the political, economic, education, and social development. Whether Taiwan's rule in Japan has left the far -reaching influence on Taiwan, that is, the dual historical process of colonization and modernization has gone through the two historical processes of colonization and modernization. Colonization is a very negative experience. Modernization is mostly positive evaluation. It is objective and flat, and introduces that Taiwanese and Japanese who have contributed to the construction, development and reform of Taiwan during the Japanese rule can help further understand and understand the period of Taiwan's history and even the overall social countries, and then then Cultivate Hongyuan World View.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.台灣歷史圖說 周婉窈 聯經出版社
2.苦悶的歷史:灣史 王育德
3.台灣開發史 空中大學

1. Taiwan Historical Map says that Zhou Wanzhang Lianjing Press
2. History of distress: Wang Yude, History of Bay
3. Taiwan Development History and Sky University

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Secondary entrance examination
Final exam
Small test
Written report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/3,4[C113]
授課教師 Teacher:張天佑
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:歷史系不得選修,可抵免歷史課程
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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