course information of 106 - 2 | 3208 The Research of Li in Ancient China(人文:中國古代禮儀大觀)

Taught In English3208 - 人文:中國古代禮儀大觀 The Research of Li in Ancient China

教育目標 Course Target

中國號稱是承傳千年的禮儀之邦,聲名遠播海外。「禮」既是代表中華民族的文明表徵,也是有別於西方法治文化的一大特點。它的外在形式與儒家講究內在道德修養互為表裏,是反映東方社會人文精神的底色。其所涵蓋的範圍,大至國家典章,小至居處修養,無所不包,對於中國歷史文化的影響,可說相當深遠。因此,若要初步瞭解中國的傳統文化,就必先認識屬於中華民族自身的禮儀文明。 本課程主要向學生介紹傳統中國「禮」文化的基本概念與內涵,並引領學生擇要認識古代禮儀中,包括生育禮俗、日常生活禮儀、「冠笄禮」、「婚禮」、「射禮」、「喪禮」、「祭禮」、「釋奠禮」等禮學議題,同時將利用相關文獻圖像資料和影片,加強學生對古代禮儀活動的印象,從而反思傳統禮儀文化存在的意義,以及是否仍有為現代人應用之價值,期能援古為今用,使學生對中國古代禮儀都能懷有一分的溫情與敬意。 China is known as the state of etiquette that has been passed down for thousands of years, and is famous for overseas. "Li" is not only a representative of the Chinese nation, but also a major feature that is different from the culture of Western rule of law. Its external form and Confucianism pay attention to internal moral cultivation as the inside, which is the background of the humanistic spirit of the Eastern society. The scope covered by it is as large as the national chapter, small to the living, and everything is everything. It can be said to be quite far -reaching. Therefore, if you want to understand China's traditional culture, you must first understand the etiquette civilization of the Chinese nation. This course mainly introduces students to the basic concepts and connotations of traditional Chinese "ritual" culture, and leads students to choose to understand ancient etiquette, including fertility etiquette, daily life etiquette, "crown ceremony", "wedding", "shooting ceremony", "shooting ceremony" , "Funeral", "Sacrifice", "Display Rites" and other etiquette issues. At the same time, they will use relevant literature image materials and videos to strengthen students' impression of ancient etiquette activities, thereby reflecting on the significance of traditional etiquette culture, and whether they are still The value of modern people can be used as the current use, so that students can have a little tenderness and respect for ancient Chinese etiquette.

參考書目 Reference Books


Sun Xidan, "Book of Rites", Taipei, Cultural History and Press, the new punctuation book
Li Yunguang, "Reflection of Li", Kaohsiung, Fuwen Book Press, 1992
Zhou He, "Gu Li Jin Tan", Taipei, Guowen Tiandi Publishing House, 1992
Zhou He, "Introduction to Rites", Taipei, Sanmin Book Bureau, 1998
Qian Xuan, "Three Rites", Nanjing, Nanjing University Press, 1996
Peng Lin, "Ancient Chinese Etiquette Civilization", Beijing, China Book Company, 2013
Ye Guoliang, "Chinese Traditional Life and Cultural", Taipei, Wulin Press, 2014

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance and weekly study list
40 修課同學依每週課程內容撰寫學習單,並限於當天下課後繳交
Secondary entrance examination
30 申論題
Final exam
30 申論題

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7[C112]
授課教師 Teacher:黃慧芬
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:中文系不得選修。
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 74 人。

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