course information of 106 - 2 | 2988 Legal History(法制史)

Taught In English2988 - 法制史 Legal History

教育目標 Course Target

西方大學的原型發源於歐洲中世紀,而法學居於當時大學七藝之一,不但有關心現行法的專業淑世面向,也有博雅公民放眼世界的面向,身為法律繼受國的台灣,法學教育除了提供國家考試必要之法學知識之外,也透過本課程針對東洋、西洋不同法制進程下,法文化的演變介紹,開拓視野,瞭解全球化下的東亞法學,逐步走向國際化,養成具有國際視野文化關懷的法律人本課程擬選擇東洋西洋的法制事件數則進行探討,意在使修習者能簡明扼要地瞭解傳統法律文化基本的理念與實際,除探索法律制度、法律規範的源流及其演變軌跡外,旁及法律思想、法律意識等,並以當代法學觀點闡明其歷史及時代意義,以提升法律人的人文素養、涵泳文化智慧。The prototype of Western universities originated from the Middle Ages in Europe, and law ranks one of the seven arts of university at that time. It not only has professional and world-renowned attitudes to care about the practice of law, but also has the attitude of a well-being citizen to look at the world. As Taiwan, where the law is inherited from the country, legal education not only provides the necessary legal knowledge for national examinations, but also introduces the evolution of legal culture under different legal processes in the East and West China, expands its vision, understands Dongya Law under globalization, and gradually moves towards Internationalization, to cultivate legal persons with international cultural concerns, this course selects the number of legal events in the East and the West for exploration, with the intention of enabling practitioners to understand the basic concepts and reality of traditional legal culture in a brief and concise way. In addition to exploring the origin and evolution of legal systems and legal regulations, they also include legal thoughts, legal ideas, etc., and use contemporary legal perspectives to clarify their historical and contemporary meanings, so as to enhance the humanistic literacy of legal persons and to embrace cultural wisdom.

課程概述 Course Description

Let students understand the meaning and importance of legal history, and understand the past - continue to reflect on the impact of Chinese and Western legal cultures by taking ancient times, and then reflect on how to take root in legal culture.

參考書目 Reference Books

德國法制史—從日耳曼到近代 2007年 元照出版社
傳統個人、家庭、婚姻與國家 ——中國法制史的研究與方法 (二版)
2007年 五南出版社

中國法史導論 2013年 元照出版社

勝田有恆教授 山內進教授 森征一教授
(日文)概說西洋法制史 2004年
Professor Chen Huixin
History of German Legal System—From German to Modern Times 2007 Yuanzhao Publishing House
Traditional personal, family, marriage and country — Research and method of China's legal history (Second Edition)
2007 Wunan Publishing House

Professor Huang Yuansheng
Chinese Law History Introduction 2013 Yuanzhao Publishing House

Professor Akihiro Sakura, Professor Yamanuchi, Professor Chengichi Mori
(Japanese) Overview of the history of Western legal system 2004

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
Final exam
Regular achievements

授課大綱 Course Plan

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相似課程 Related Course

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[C104]
授課教師 Teacher:李玉璽
修課班級 Class:法律系1B
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 63 人。

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