course information of 106 - 2 | 2918 Planting Design Studio(植栽設計)

Taught In English2918 - 植栽設計 Planting Design Studio

教育目標 Course Target

一、課程目標 (Course Objectives) 本課程為一學年之課程安排,課程目標以「植栽環境控制、植栽空間營造、 設計美學提升、生態永續管理概念」等四個面向做為主軸,並與目前國內外 植栽設計、植栽工程以及植栽維護管理趨勢相互結合。上學期主要以教授修課學生各類型空間及主題之植栽設計基本知識能力,以及小尺度空間至都市空間之植栽設計訓練,下學期延續上學期以教授修課學生各類型空間及主題之植栽設計基本知識能力訓練為主,並以快速設計方式進行綜合性較大尺度至自然地區應用之植栽設計訓練。 二、課程內涵 (Course Contents) (一)以人與植栽的關係、自然與植栽關係、環境與植栽關係做為引導,透過相關單元內容之講授與案例解析,奠定植栽設計訓練之基礎能力。 (二)教授植栽設計表現法、植栽設計理論之落實,以及電腦軟體之應用學理。 (三)教授植栽工程相關之工法設計、施工及估價,及維護管理等專業能力之訓練。 (四)透過分組教學及評圖過程強化學生之植栽設計與溝通表達能力,並能更多元的學習各任課教師之專業能力。 (五)運用學習評量、校園參與式教學(植栽實習空間服務學習操作)以及校外教學參訪 等多種方式,驗證所學理論。1. Course Objectives This course is a course scheduled for one year. The course objectives are mainly based on four aspects, including "planting and planting environment control, planting space construction, design aesthetic improvement, and ecological sustained management concept", and are integrated with the current domestic and foreign planting design, planting engineering and planting maintenance management trends. During the first period, the main focus was on teaching basic knowledge and knowledge of planting design in various types of spaces and topics of the course students, as well as planting design training from small-scale space to urban space. During the next period, the first period was on teaching basic knowledge and knowledge of planting design in various types of spaces and topics of the course students, and the rapid design practice was carried out on a planting design that was applied in a larger scale to natural area. 2. Course Contents (1) Guide the relationship between humans and planting, nature and planting, environment and planting, and planting, and through the teaching and case analysis of relevant unit content, laying the foundation for planting design and training. (II) Professor of planting design expression, implementation of planting and planting design theory, and application theory of computer software. (III) Teach training on professional abilities such as design, construction and estimation of planting and planting engineering related work methods, as well as maintenance and management. (IV) Through the sub-teaching and evaluation process, students' planting design and communication skills can be enhanced, and students can learn more about the professional abilities of each course teacher. (5) Verify the theoretical study using learning evaluation, campus participation teaching (planting and planting practice space service learning operations), and off-campus teaching visits.

參考書目 Reference Books

章錦瑜、鄒君瑋,2016,景觀植栽設計單元手冊,晨星出版社。頁1~280。ISBN 978-986-4431-81-6。
章錦瑜,2015,景觀灌木藤本賞花圖鑑(增訂再版),晨星出版社,台灣自然圖鑑010。頁1~478。ISBN 978-986-177-220-2。
章錦瑜,2014,景觀樹木觀賞圖鑑(增訂再版),晨星出版社,台灣自然圖鑑 002。頁1~445。ISBN 978-986-177-136-6。
章錦瑜,2015,景觀喬木賞花圖鑑(增訂再版),晨星出版社,台灣自然圖鑑 009。頁1~412。ISBN 978-986-177-219-6。
Brian Hackett. Planting Design. 1979.
Clouston Brain. Landscape Design With Plants. New York: Van Reinhold Company, 1984.
Gang Chen. Planting Design Illustrated. 2007.
Richard Austin. Elements of Planting Design. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2002.
Scott C. Scarfone. Professional Planting Design: An Architectural and Horticultural Approach for Creating Mixed Bed Plantings. 2007.

Zhang Jinyu and Zheng Junwei, 2016, handwritten by landscape planting design unit, Morningstar Publishing House. Pages 1~280. ISBN 978-986-4431-81-6.
Zhang Fengyu, 2015, Landscape Shrubs and Vinegar Flower Picture Certification (Added and Reprinted), Morningstar Publishing House, Taiwan Nature Picture Certification 010. Pages 1~478. ISBN 978-986-177-220-2.
Zhang Fengyu, 2014, Landscape Trees and Trees Viewing Pictures (added and reprinted), Morningstar Publishing House, Taiwan Nature Pictures 002. Pages 1~445. ISBN 978-986-177-136-6.
Zhang Fengyu, 2015, Landscape Jome Flower Picture Certification (additional and reprinted), Morningstar Publishing House, Taiwan Nature Picture Certification 009. Pages 1~412. ISBN 978-986-177-219-6.
Zhang Fengyu, 2014, Indoor Viewing Botanical Pictures [Part 1], Morning Star Publishing House. Pages 1~399. ISBN978-986-177-923-2.
Zhang Junyu, 2014, Indoor Viewing Botanical Pictures [Part 2], Morning Star Publishing House. Pages 1~381. ISBN978-986-177-924-9.
Brian Hackett. Planting Design. 1979.
Clouston Brain. Landscape Design With Plants. New York: Van Reinhold Company, 1984.
Gang Chen. Planting Design Illustrated. 2007.
Richard Austin. Elements of Planting Design. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2002.
Scott C. Scarfone. Professional Planting Design: An Architectural and Horticultural Approach for Creating Mixed Bed Plantings. 2007.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Production achievements of each unit (including winter vacation operations)
55 為總成績所佔比重
Quick design
20 為總成績所佔比重
Final exam
10 為總成績所佔比重
Campus planting maintenance management and service practice
10 為總成績所佔比重
5 為總成績所佔比重

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/7,8,9,10[景觀系館]
授課教師 Teacher:章錦瑜/鄒君瑋/陳佩君
修課班級 Class:景觀系2
選課備註 Memo:未修景觀植物學不得修習但可並修
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 63 人。

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