course information of 106 - 2 | 2859 Social Enterprise and Design(社會企業與設計)

Taught In English2859 - 社會企業與設計 Social Enterprise and Design

教育目標 Course Target

長久以來,產品設計專業普遍被用於服務企業,用於生產消費性產品,促進社會經濟發展。然而,近年來國內外設計思潮已開始意識到資本主義下以經濟利益為導向的「大量生產−大量消費」為社會帶來多方面的負面衝擊,也對於產品設計以主流社會為對象,將某些族群(幼童、高齡者、孕婦、身障者、第三世界...等)的需求排除在外的設計思維提出批判與反思。 本課程將導入服務學習概念,以田野研究教學模式,帶領學生實際走入社區「做中學」,使學生在課堂中習得社會企業的相關知識後,能以社會關懷及公民介入公共政策的態度,從真實的社區環境與社會問題中探索設計存在的價值及必要性,並導入適切的設計方法與流程進行社會企業創新實作。 本學期課程將以設計思考的流程與方法為基礎,以探討社會議題為核心,從田野調查中了解議題的內涵與社會創新需求,進一步整合課程協力單位相關的人/物/地/產/景各種文化資源,提出可能解決問題並帶來社會正向改變的創新創業方案,並運用具體化的設計形式,進行相關實作與檢證。 修課學生必須思考如何將具社會設計精神的提案,透過社會企業商業運作的模式執行,並在實踐的過程中反思社會設計對社區帶來的影響,進而建議下一個社區進步方向。For a long time, product design expertise has been widely used to serve enterprises, to produce consumer products, and to promote social economic development. However, in recent years, domestic and foreign design thoughts have begun to realize that the economic interests-oriented "mass production - large-scale consumption" under the capitalist theory has brought many negative impacts to society, and has also criticized and reflected on the design thinking that excludes the needs of certain ethnic groups (young children, elderly people, pregnant women, disabled people, third world..., etc.). This course will introduce the concept of service learning, use field research teaching models, and lead students to actually enter the community "during the work" so that students can gain relevant knowledge of social enterprises in the classroom, and can explore the value and necessity of design from the real community environment and social issues with the attitude of social concern and citizens' intervention in public policies, and introduce appropriate design methods and processes to carry out social enterprise innovation. This course will be based on the process and method of design thinking, and will explore social discussion questions as the core. It will understand the connotation and social innovation needs of the discussion questions from field surveys, further integrate various cultural resources of people/places/properties/lands and landscapes related to the course coordination unit, propose innovative and creative solutions that may solve problems and bring positive social changes, and use specific design forms to conduct relevant implementation and inspection. Course students must think about how to implement social design spirit proposals, implement social enterprise business operations through the model, and reflect on the impact of social design on the community in the actual process, and then suggest the next direction of progress in the community.

課程概述 Course Description

Social enterprises are one of the business models that have been used to solve or improve social problems in recent years. This course will introduce the intellectual contents of social enterprises' development background, origin, business model, etc., and at the same time, the company introduces service learning concepts, so that students can design and implement social enterprises through field research models. It will mainly guide students to understand the problems and challenges facing society (community) systematically and in an integrated manner. In the process of participating in proposals with community residents, how to improve social problems through design and social enterprises.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 社企流 Social Enterprise Insights 著,《社企力 ! 社會企業=翻轉世界的變革力量。用愛創業,做好事又能獲利!》,果力文化出版,2014年4月1日
2. Nigel Whiteley 著,游萬來、楊敏英、李盈盈譯,《為社會而設計 Design For Society》,聯經出版,2014
3. 村田 智明 (ムラタ・チアキ) 著,《「ソーシャルデザイン」の教科書》,生産性出版,2014
4. 筧 裕介著,《ソーシャルデザイン実践ガイド――地域の課題を解決する7つのステップ》,2013
5. 山崎亮Yamazaki Ryo著,《社區設計:重新思考「社區」定義,不只設計空間,更要設計「人與人之間的連結」(コミュニティデザイン:人がつながるしくみをつくる)》,臉譜出版,2015
1. Social Enterprise Insights, "Social Enterprise Power! Social Enterprise = the transformation force that transforms the world. Use love to start a business, do good things and make profits! 》, published by Guoli Culture, April 1, 2014
2. by Nigel Whiteley, translated by You Wanlai, Yang Minying, and Lee Yingying, Design For Society, Design For Society, published by Jointly, 2014
3. Murata Tomoaki (丠ラタ・チアキ), "Textbook of "ソーシャルデザイン", Productive Publishing, 2014
4. Yusuke, "Solving the Regional Questions", 2013
5. Yamazaki Ryo, "Community Design: Rethinking the definition of "community", not only designing space, but also designing "the connection between people and people" (コミュニティょザイン: Human がつながかくみをつくる)", Published by Prose, 2015

評分方式 Grading

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7[工設館]
授課教師 Teacher:李俐慧
修課班級 Class:工設系3
選課備註 Memo:外系欲選修者(限5名),請至工設系登記.
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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