course information of 106 - 2 | 2854 Design for Handmade and Marketing(手創設計與行銷)

Taught In English2854 - 手創設計與行銷 Design for Handmade and Marketing

教育目標 Course Target

體驗經濟來臨,消費者從被動的產品使用者轉為主動的產品設計者。產品本身除了達到獨特性形態、風格與功用之外,更強調觸感、手感與限量,以達到使用者更高層次的需求滿足。本課程之核心即在於利用使用者接續概念,創造產品具有接續設計與接續製造之功能。學習運用多元的工業材料、市場分析、造形美學、色彩應用、風格塑造與創作,培養學生設計手創品牌風格及市場行銷的整合能力。本課程目標主要以使用者接續概念為中心,創造具有接續設計或接續製造之功能產品及市場行銷經營,培養學生學習手創設計工作者的創意思考、設計製造、工作流程、行銷工作與經營模式。With experience in economics, consumers are transformed from passive product users to active product designers. In addition to achieving unique shape, style and function, the product itself emphasizes touch, feel and limit, so as to meet the needs of users with higher levels. The core of this course is to use the user's continuous concept, and to create products with continuous design and continuous manufacturing functions. Learn to use diverse industrial materials, market analysis, shape aesthetics, color application, style shaping and creation to cultivate students' ability to design hand-created brand styles and market marketing integration. The purpose of this course is mainly centered on the concept of continuous users, creating products with continuous design or continuous manufacturing and market marketing management, and cultivating students to learn creative thinking, design manufacturing, work flow, marketing work and business model of manual designers.

課程概述 Course Description

With the arrival of experience economy, consumers have advanced from passive product users to active product designers. In addition to achieving unique shape, style and function, the product itself emphasizes touch, feel and limit, so as to meet the needs of users with higher levels. The core of this course is to use the user's continuous concept, and to create products with continuous design and continuous manufacturing functions. During the learning process, we can use diverse industrial materials, market analysis, shape aesthetics, color application, style shaping and hand art creation to cultivate students' integration capabilities in design, hand art and hand art style shaping.

參考書目 Reference Books

Antonelli, P.(2008). Design and the elastic mind. New York: The Museum of Modern Art.
Brower, C., Mallory, R., & Ohlman, Z.(2009). Experimental Eco-Design: Architecture,Fashion, Product.RotoVision SA.
周穆謙、王韋堯(2007)。 設計師與消費者在食品包裝理解力傳達設計之認知差異。設計學報,12(4),21-42。

Antonelli, P. (2008). Design and the elastic mind. New York: The Museum of Modern Art.
Brower, C., Mallory, R., & Ohlman, Z. (2009). Experimental Eco-Design: Architecture, Fashion, Product.RotoVision SA.
Lu Dingbang, Zhang Jialing (2007). Users continue design concepts and design processes. Design Journal, Volume 12, Issue 2, pp01-13.
Lin Yanhuang and Wang Jingye (2012). The development structure, techniques and knowledge of existing products applied to product design. Doctoral Discussion from the University of Communications.
Huang Tingchao (2003). Du Xiang's appearance, beyond the forefront, also discusses the observation of the artistic phenomena of Taiwan's equipment. 2003 New Anomaly Forum.
Zhou Musu, Wang Weisheng (2007). Designers and consumers understand the differences in food packaging comprehension. Design Journal, 12(4), 21-42.
Chen Qirong (2011). The application of educational marketing in school management. Journal of Educational Business and Management Research. Issue 8, pages 59-68.
Qi Zhisong, Zheng Anxian, Zeng Shuwen, Wu Yifang (2009). Research on the purchasing decision elements of home-type hand feel products. 2009 Industrial Creative and Practical Seminar.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Regular achievements
Midterm Publishing
Final release
Results video

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/3,4[工設館]
授課教師 Teacher:呂佳珍
修課班級 Class:工設系2
選課備註 Memo:外系欲選修者(限5名),請至工設系登記.
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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