course information of 106 - 2 | 2844 Computer Graphic(電腦輔助繪圖)

Taught In English2844 - 電腦輔助繪圖 Computer Graphic

教育目標 Course Target

課程目標 (Course Objectives) 計算機輔助繪圖課程,對本系大學部學生而言,可藉由3D實體建模之繪圖軟體,完成產品之工程圖與計算機建模能力的實現,可藉由3D計算機建模的技巧、rendering、工程三視圖、組立圖與3D列印技術,進而瞭解產品造型設計與開發。Course Objectives Computer-assisted drawing courses, for students in the university department, they can use 3D physical modeling drawing software to complete the realization of product engineering and computer modeling capabilities. They can use 3D computer modeling techniques, rendering, engineering three-dimensional graphics, assembly and 3D printing techniques to further understand product modeling design and development.

課程概述 Course Description

電腦輔助繪圖課程之定位在於建立大一學生,對於工業產品及其零組件之圖形的表達能力。本課程藉由在產業界使用最多的2D電腦輔助繪圖軟體 AutoCAD以及基礎之3D繪圖建模軟體 SolidWorks為工具,讓學生得以在後續產品設計與產品開發過程中,能夠將本課程所學,實際應用於各項成品與模型,完成整體之電腦實體建模(Computer solid modeling)專業能力的實現。本授課內容包括兩大部分:(1)以2D AutoCAD軟體,完成零件與模型之三視圖的繪製、編修、出圖。(2)以3D工程繪圖軟體SolidWorks,進行產品之建模(Modeling)、彩現(Rendering)、工程三視圖、組立圖、爆炸圖…等建構。 本課程對進入工業設計系的學生,極為重要,課程以電腦2D繪圖與3D建模軟體為依據,並教導電腦幾何模型的觀念,使學生學習如何藉由點(Point)、曲線(Curve)、曲面(Surface)、體(Solid)等3D圖素特徵(Features),以建構工業產品外觀圖。在教學目標上,達成訓練大一學生基本之電腦輔助繪圖能力,並提供學生修畢本課程後,可後續進入相關之電腦輔助設計、高階產品造型設計與開發之應用課程。在學生核心能力的培育上,讓學生充分應用科學、工程、資訊科技、美學等知識的設計能力,進行產品模型的繪製與設計,並建立對於設計解構、模型建構所需的規劃與處理能力。
The computer-aided drawing course is positioned to establish the performance ability of freshmen to the graphs of industrial products and their components. This course uses AutoCAD, the most used 2D computer-aided drawing software and SolidWorks, a basic 3D drawing modeling software, as a tool, to enable students to learn this course in the process of continuous product design and product development, and to effectively implement the overall computer solid modeling professional capabilities. The content of this course includes two parts: (1) Use 2D AutoCAD software to complete the drawing, editing and drawing of the three visuals of parts and models. (2) Use 3D engineering drawing software SolidWorks to conduct product modeling, rendering, engineering three-dimensional graphics, assembly graphics, explosion graphics, etc. This course is extremely important for students entering the industrial design department. The course is based on computer 2D drawings and 3D modeling software, and teaches the concept of computer geometry, so that students can learn how to construct industrial product appearance through 3D graphics features such as points, curves, surfaces, and bodies. In terms of teaching objectives, students can complete basic computer-assisted drawing skills for first-year students, and provide students with the ability to complete this course, and can continue to enter the relevant computer-assisted design, high-level product styling design and development application courses. In the cultivation of students' core abilities, students can fully apply the design capabilities of science, engineering, information technology, aesthetics and other knowledge, carry out the design and design of product models, and establish the planning and processing capabilities required for design and solution and model construction.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 林志鎰著,Solidworks 電腦輔助繪圖與最新產品設計表現,碁峰,2014.
2. 陳俊鴻編著,SolidWorks 2010 電腦輔助設計--基礎入門篇,知城 。
3. 陳俊鴻編著,SolidWorks 2010 電腦輔助設計--進階應用篇,知城 。
4. elearningDJ.com編著,SolidWorks 3C產品造型機構設計,知城,2011。

1. By Lin Zhixin, Solidworks Computer-assisted drawings and latest product design performance, Ge Feng, 2014.
2. Edited by Chen Jun-yang, SolidWorks 2010 Computer Assistance Design-Basic Entering the Door, Knowing the City.
3. Edited by Chen Jun-dong, SolidWorks 2010 Computer Assistance Design-Advanced Applications, Zhicheng.
4. Edited by smartingDJ.com, SolidWorks 3C Product Styling Institution Design, Zhicheng, 2011.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Normal operation
40 平時作業10題
Personal learning attitude
15 點名15次,每次出席以獲得1分計算
期中考 上機實測期中考 上機實測
Midterm exams take the test
15 期中考後,需繳交完成之3D列印模型檢查
Personal topic report
20 主題、報告書,格式依照規定
Final period group project report
10 期末報告書

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/3,4[工設館]
授課教師 Teacher:王中行
修課班級 Class:工設系1
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 35 人。

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