course information of 106 - 2 | 2841 Fundamental Design(設計基礎)

Taught In English2841 - 設計基礎 Fundamental Design

教育目標 Course Target

設計基礎是大一學生非常重要的入門課程。本課將強調三個面向的學習重點:包含設計禮儀素養、形的發展構成以及材料認識與應用。在設計禮儀素養方面,培養學生具備良好的學習態度與設計素養,提升個人之設計素質,此外,著重學生對於自我喜好與品味之認識,從傾聽自我之聲音到與他人產生共鳴。在形的發展構成方面,將針對形態從平面到立體的轉換,設計作品從抽象到具象的詮釋。最後,材料認識與應用方面,讓學生學習運用不同材質展現在設計作品之中。課程目標在於培養學生的設計禮儀素養、創意思考、美感、設計執行力、自我學習與設計熱忱,使學生具備銜接大二設計課程之基礎設計能力。本課內涵課程中將會採用不同單元之實作練習,訓練學生之造形構成、材質運用、色彩規劃、審美能力、設計禮儀、空間建構、構想表達技巧、獨立思考、組織能力與小組的團隊合作之精神。課程將由三位老師共同擔綱授課,採小組教學方式,每位老師指導15-20位學生。Design basics are a very important entry course for freshmen. This course will emphasize three learning points: including design ingredient cultivation, shape development and structure, and material recognition and application. In terms of designing gifts, students should be trained to have good learning attitudes and design qualities to improve their personal design quality. In addition, they should focus on students' understanding of their own preferences and tastes, from listening to their own voices to celebrating with others. In terms of the development and structure of shape, the transformation of shape from plane to three-dimensional design works from abstract to concrete spectral. Finally, in terms of material recognition and application, students can learn to use different materials to display their design works. The course goal is to cultivate students' design qualities, creative thinking, aesthetics, design execution, self-learning and design enthusiasm, so that students can have the basic design ability to participate in the sophomore design course. This course will use different units to practice in the course, train students' team cooperation spirit of shape, material use, color planning, aesthetic ability, design gift, space structure, structural expression skills, independent thinking, organizational ability and group cooperation. The course will be taught by three teachers together, and a group of teaching methods will be adopted, and each teacher will guide 15-20 students.

課程概述 Course Description

This course is an entry course in the core design course of the Industrial Design Department. The course is taught to first-year students. It aims to guide students who have just begun to contact the design field to practice design through various design practices such as shape evolution, material use, color planning, space construction and design situations, so that students can have the basic ability to prepare for future product design. This course focuses on students' independent thinking and organizational creation skills, so the course is taught by three teachers and is conducted in a group teaching manner. Each teacher is responsible for guiding 12 to 15 students. In the class, the teacher can fully grasp the learning performance of each student at each design stage and have good interactions with students. In order to stimulate creative potential and cultivate team spirit, this course is also designed with the subject, and a team will be arranged for each school period to allow students to learn how to express their personal advice in the team, and at the same time to achieve good communication and coordination. This course is a one-study annual course for the whole and second-year period. Therefore, in the planning of the course, the first period mainly focuses on the initiation of design orientation and the cultivation of aesthetic knowledge. It mainly uses sensory direct viewing, intellectual solution, expressive structure, symbolic restoration and other creative practices to help students with basic shape-making abilities. In the next period, the goal is to establish a design practice concept that connects the course of sophomore product design. Therefore, in the design of the subject, the focus is on material, scale, mechanism, surface treatment and other contents. It mainly establishes a basic understanding of product design through single material application and commercial training, transparent material and three-dimensional structure integration, cross-system joint practice with architecture, landscape analysis and design practice for small household appliances.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.張建成編譯,「基本設計概論」(Focus on designing),六合出版社,1993
張建成編譯,「基礎設計」上冊 (The Basic Principles of Visual Communication for Artists, Architects, and Designers),六合出版社,1996
1. Zhang Jiancheng and editing, "Focus on designing", Liuhe Publishing House, 1993
Zhang Jiancheng and edited, "Basic Design" uploaded (The Basic Principles of Visual Communication for Artists, Architects, and Designers), Liuhe Publishing House, 1996

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Single topics
80 包含每一單元課題發展過程中指導老師所要求之草圖品質、草模品質、作業內容完整性、討論出席率及學習態度、最終發表的模型成果及構想表逹技巧之成績平均數。
Single topic results data
20 包含每一單元課題書面成果報告書或相關電子檔案成果之成績平均數。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,8,9,Thursday/6,7,8,9,10[工設館]
授課教師 Teacher:陳明石/呂佳珍/羅際鋐
修課班級 Class:工設系1
選課備註 Memo:上期不及格不得修下期;任一學期不及格不得修高年級設計課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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