course information of 106 - 2 | 2729 Preparatory Theory(基礎樂理預備班)

Taught In English2729 - 基礎樂理預備班 Preparatory Theory

教育目標 Course Target

A、基礎理論: 1. 基礎樂理:譜號、音名、調號、音程、大小調音階。 2. 基礎和聲:三和弦、羅馬級數的辨認、屬七和弦。 3. 基礎理論鍵盤:同步配合樂理與和聲進度。 B、初階音基應用: 1. 視唱聽力訓練:同步配合樂理與和聲進度。 2. 聽力辨認:節奏體系 & 西洋大小調旋律體系。 3. 培養音樂基礎要素:實際以音樂曲例為範本加以應用。A. Basic theory: 1. Basic music theory: numerals, pronunciation names, adjustment numbers, intervals, and adjustment levels. 2. Basic and sound: the identification of triad chords, Roman ranks, and seventh chords. 3. Basic Theory Keyboard: Synchronize the music and sound progress. B. Basic application of early-level voice: 1. Singing and listening training: synchronously cooperate with music and sound progress. 2. Audit identification: rhythm system & Western melody system. 3. Basic elements of music cultivation: actually apply musical music examples as templates.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Marjorie Merryman: The music Theory Handbook, 1997 Schirmer, Cengage Learning.
2. Sol Berkowitz, Gabriel Fontrier, and Leo Kraft: A New Approach to Sight Singing, 3rd edition.
3. Jean-Clement Jollet: Musicalement Votre Volume 1-8.

References: 1. Invention and Sinfonia, & French Suites by J.S. Bach.
2. Classical Compositions.
3. Online: Teoria.
1. Marjorie Merryman: The music Theory Handbook, 1997 Schirmer, Cengage Learning.
2. Sol Berkowitz, Gabriel Fontrier, and Leo Kraft: A New Approach to Sight Singing, 3rd edition.
3. Jean-Clement Jollet: Musicalement Votre Volume 1-8.

References: 1. Invention and Sinfonia, & French Suites by J.S. Bach.
2. Classical Compositions.
3. Online: Teoria.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Daily workDaily work
daily work
50 Assignment, Quiz & In Class Discussion.
Mid termMid term

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,Wednesday/8[MU319]
授課教師 Teacher:林雅淳
修課班級 Class:音樂系1
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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