1. 循序探討各音樂時期與樂派的弦樂作品風格與特點
2. 介紹弦樂器沿革與演奏法的演變
3. 逐一研究對弦樂作品具重要貢獻的作曲家及作品
4. 明確劃分各時代弦樂風格與演奏詮釋並能加以應用於自身的演奏與專業研究1. Explore the style and characteristics of the string works of each music period and music in various music periods
2. Introduce the evolution of string musical instruments and the performance method
3. Composers and works who study important contributions to string works one by one
4. Clarify the string style and performance interpretation of each era and the performance and professional research that can be applied to its own
1. Griffiths, Paul. The String Quartet. New York, N.Y.: Thames and Hudson, 1983.
2. Kostka, Stefan M. Materials and Techniques of Twentieth-Century Music. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1990.
3. Lester, Joel. Bach’s Works for Solo Violin: Style, Structure, Performance. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.
4. Rosen, Charles. The Classical Style: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven. New York: Viking Press, 1971.
5. Seaton, Douglass. Ideas and Styles in the Western Musical Tradition. California: Mayfield Publishing Company, 1991.
6. Stowell, Robin. The Cambridge Companion to the String Quartet. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
1. Griffiths, PAUL. The String Quartet. New York, n.y .: Thames and Hudson, 1983.
2. Kostka, STEFAN M. Materials and Techniques of Twentietied Music. Englewood Cliffs, n.j .: poll, 1990.
3. Lester, Joel. Bach ’s works for solo violin: style, structure, performance. New York: oxford university perss, 1999.
4. Rosen, Charles. The Classical STYLE: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven. New York: VIKING PRESS, 1971.
5. Seaton, Douglass. Ideas and styles in the Western Musical Trading. California: Mayfield Publish Company, 1991.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中聽力筆試期中聽力筆試 I am listening to the written test |
25 | 簡答題:依照答題正確度以各題配分給分。申論題:需正確判斷出樂曲名稱與其作曲家,並依題型引導分項論述該樂曲的曲式架構與演奏法特點。(本部份依答題完整度給予相對高低分。) |
期中短篇學術文章評論書面報告期中短篇學術文章評論書面報告 Written report of short -term academic articles in the period |
35 | |
期末筆試期末筆試 Final written test |
25 | |
出席率與課程參與度出席率與課程參與度 Attendance rate and curriculum participation |
15 | 全學期若因故缺席以三次為限。無正當理由而缺席四次以上者或習慣性遲到早退者將酌情扣分。 |