course information of 106 - 2 | 2710 Pedagogy (Woodwind)(管樂教學法(木管))

Taught In English2710 - 管樂教學法(木管) Pedagogy (Woodwind)

教育目標 Course Target

本課程提供給音樂系木管主修學生對其如何在個別所修習之樂器 (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and saxophone) 上的樂器教學研討,主要針對初學者至中階程度的教學法。本課程目標是為音樂系學生建立良好的基本概念,更通透了解自己的主修的樂器 -- 始於呼吸,發聲到樂曲演奏,同時認識木管樂器相關的教材教法,經由課堂上的樂器教學,提升觀察及鑑賞能力,培養獨立思考及批判能力,更練習如何操作在實際教學上,再進一步應用於自身演奏,將有助於發展為更全方位的音樂家。This course provides musical instrument teaching for music students in woodwind majors on how to practice in individual music instruments (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and saxophone), mainly teaching methods for beginners to intermediate levels. The purpose of this course is to establish good basic concepts for music students, and to understand their majors more thoroughly - starting with breathing, sounding to music playing, and at the same time, they understand the teaching materials and teaching methods related to woodwind instruments. Through the music teaching in the class, they improve their observation and evaluation abilities, cultivate independent thinking and critical abilities, and practice how to operate them in actual teaching, and further apply them to their own performance, which will help develop into a more comprehensive musician.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. William Dietz: Teaching woodwinds: a method and resource handbook. Schirmer Books, 1998.
2. Mark C Ely: Wind talk for woodwinds: a practical guide to understanding and teaching woodwind instruments. Oxford, 2009.
3. Clarence Sawhill: Playing and teaching woodwind instruments.1962.
4. Gene Allen Saucier: Woodwinds: fundamental performance techniques. Oxford, 2002.
5. Deborah A. & Robert Sheldon: The complete woodwind instructor: a guidebook for the music educator. Barnhouse Company, 1996.
6. Michael Stoune: The Flutist’s Handbook: A Pedagogy Anthology. The National Flute Association, 1998.
7. Summy-Birchard Publication Series
Edwin Putnik: The art of flute playing. 1970.
Robert Sprenkle and David Ledet: The art of oboe playing. 1961.
Keith Stein: The art of clarinet playing. 1958.
William Spencer: The art of bassoon playing. 1958.
Larry Teal: The art of saxophone playing. 1963.

1. William Dietz: Teaching woodwinds: a method and resource handbook. Schirmer Books, 1998.
2. Mark C Ely: Wind talk for woodwinds: a practical guide to understanding and teaching woodwind instruments. Oxford, 2009.
3. Clarence Sawhill: Playing and teaching woodwind instruments.1962.
4. Gene Allen Saucier: Woodwinds: fundamental performance techniques. Oxford, 2002.
5. Deborah A. & Robert Sheldon: The complete woodwind instructor: a guidebook for the music educator. Barnhouse Company, 1996.
6. Michael Stoune: The Flutist’s Handbook: A Pedagogy Anthology. The National Flute Association, 1998.
7. Summy-Birchard Publication Series
Edwin Putnik: The art of flute playing. 1970.
Robert Sprenkle and David Ledet: The art of oboe playing. 1961.
Keith Stein: The art of clarinet playing. 1958.
William Spencer: The art of bassoon playing. 1958.
Larry Teal: The art of saxophone playing. 1963.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Specify the operation
Classroom notes and teaching reports
Three separate lessons or master class observations and experiences
Final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/3,4[MU121]
授課教師 Teacher:邱佩珊
修課班級 Class:音樂系3
選課備註 Memo:木管組必修
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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