1. 音程聽寫:旋律音程、和聲音程
2. 音階聽音:大音階、各種小音階、教會調式、全音音階、五音音階等
3. 和絃辨識:大小增減三和絃、三和絃的各種轉位、各種七和絃及其轉位、單譜表密集位置的和絃與大譜表開離位置的和絃
4. 節奏聽音:單拍子與富拍子的節奏練習
5. 旋律聽音:包含大小調和不同拍號之旋律練習
6. 四部和聲的聽音及記譜練習:由簡單到難的程度, 包括各種和聲進行
7. 二聲部的聽音練習
8. 視唱練習
9. 四部合唱練習The main purpose of this lesson is to improve the basic ability of students' music, including listening, singing, etc. The teacher according to the degree of students, designated visual singing exercises, and conducting various rhythm, height, chord nature, melody, the relationship between the melody, the relationship between the reconciliation, the harmony, and the curvature in the class.
1. Duraction dictation: melody interval, harmonious schedule
2. Sound listening: big steps, various small sound steps, church styles, full sound steps, five -sound steps, etc.
3. Chord recognition: the various translishes of the three chords, the three chords of the three chords, the various seven chords and its transliteration, the chords of the chords of the dense position of the single -spectrum table and the barrier to the chord of the large spectrum.
4. Rhythm listening: The rhythm practice of single -shot and rich beats
5. Melody listening: contains melody exercises with different signs of titling different signs
6. Listening and spectrum exercises of four harmony: from simple to difficult, including all kinds of harmony
7. Listening exercise of the two -sound part
8. Vision exercise
9. Four chorus exercises
Mark Manno: 飯田正紀著,<新曲。聽音的練習旋律篇/按照節奏體系>,全音樂譜出版社。
Ann K. Blombach. MacGAMUT 6 for Mac and Windows. MacGAMUT Music Software International. www.macgamut.com; J.S. Bach. 371 Vierstimmige Choralgesaenge. 全音樂譜出版社。
Mark Manno: Intra Tianda Masaki,
Ann K. Blombach. Macgamut 6 for Mac and Windows. Macgamut Music Software International. Www.macgamut.com; J.S. Bach. Spectrum Publishing House.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
作業成績作業成績 Assignment |
25 | 指定作業練習 |
平時成績平時成績 Usual grade |
25 | 課堂參與和平時測驗 |
期中考期中考 Secondary entrance examination |
25 | 聽寫 15%; 視唱 10% |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
25 | 聽寫 15%; 視唱 10% |