透過研讀觀看的歷史,加深對視覺文化的認知,以建構繪畫與觀看之間的相互關係。Through studying the history of viewing, deepen the awareness of visual culture to build the relationship between painting and viewing.
法 The use of painting techniques, contexts, and ability to speculate for creation.
觀看的實踐-給所有影像世代的視覺文化導論,瑪莉塔史特肯、莉莎卡萊特 著,三言社,2009
Drawing People-The Human Figure in Contemporary Art, Roger Malbert, Thames &Hudson, 2015
Watching practice -Give all the visual cultural cultural introduction of all video generations, Mary Titan, Lisa Callet, San Yan Society, 2009
Drawing people-the Human Figure in Contemporary Art, Roger Malbert, Thames & Hudson, 2015
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
個人專題個人專題 Personal topic |
60 | 作業評分標準包含概念完整度、製作執行與口語表述。 |
小組報告小組報告 Group report |
20 | 作業評分標準包含報告完整度、製作執行與口語表述。 |
學習表現(出席與參與)學習表現(出席與參與) Learning performance (attending and participating) |
20 |