解析油畫材質、技法在各個時期,面對不同的目的與條件,所呈現的樣貌及變化;並透過課程單元的進行深入研習討論。對於油畫基底材(布面/木板)、白色塗底、底色、顏料層有清楚認識,並充分透過嚴謹的工序了解顏料、油料、工具、技法等交互運作可以發展的細緻關係。Analyzing oil painting materials and techniques In the face of different purposes and conditions, the appearance and changes presented in the face of different purposes and conditions; in -depth study and discussion through the curriculum unit. You have a clear understanding of the oil painting base material (cloth surface/wooden board), white base, background color, and pigment layer, and fully understand the meticulous relationship between interactive operations such as pigments, oils, tools, and techniques through rigorous processes.
Analyzing painting materials and techniques In the face of different purposes and conditions in various periods, the appearance and changes presented; and in -depth study and discussion through the curriculum unit.
Oil Painting Materials/Chen Shuhua/Hongye
Oil painting techniques 1.2.3./ Chen Jingyue editor/male lion art
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席率出席率 Attendance rate |
20 | |
單元習作單元習作 Units practice |
80 |