Social workers must have a diverse cultural perspective when facing an increasingly diverse Taiwanese society. The concept of multiculturalism is to understand and respect the differences between different ethnic groups, cultures, ethnic groups, and genders, and to eliminate social discrimination and prejudice from these different groups. Women are one of the main service groups of social workers. Women are under long-term pressure in Taiwan’s patriarchal society, which causes them to suffer inequality and systematic exclusion regardless of economic, political, social participation, marriage and family relations. Social workers not only solve personal and family problems, but must be able to distinguish the pressure and bias of social structures and cultural systems on service objects. This course hopes to enhance the sexual consciousness of social work students and further understand the pressures of social structure and cultural systems on the female group. The course will introduce the genres of feminism and related theories, so that students can have basic theoretical knowledge of feminism. In addition, through a series of topical discussions related to women, students can understand the diverse differences in female group experience, have a further understanding of women's discussions and related women's welfare services and policies, and further think about the methods and the use of women's services in social work.
This course focuses on the perception of gender and women’s problems, and learn about social work experiences, as well as thinking about women’s welfare services and women’s policies.
梁麗華、陳錦華編(2006)。性別與社會工作 —理論與實踐。香港:中文大學出版社
Dominelli, L. 著,林青璇, 趙小瑜譯(2004)。女性主義社會工作 : 理論與實務。台北:五南
宋麗玉(2013)。婚姻暴力受暴婦女之處遇模式與成效 —華人文化與經驗。台北:洪葉。
*There are no designated books in this course. The following are the main reference books. Each course has designated books
Edited by Liang Lihua and Chen Weihua (2006). Gender and Social Work - Theory and Practice. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press
Dominelli, L., translated by Lin Qingxuan, Zhao Xiaoyu (2004). Feminist Social Work: Theory and Practice. Taipei: Wunan
Liu Zhuli (2006). Female gender roles and social work. Taipei: Double Leaf Library.
Song Liyu (2013). Patterns and results of marital violence-Chinese culture and experience. Taipei: Hong Ye.
Breakfast (2004). Space is gender. Taipei: Spiritual Workshop
Guo Huiyu (2007). Right foot confession - Life writing and subjective practice of a social worker with physical disabilities. Taipei University Social Work Department Mater
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席率 出席率 Attendance rate |
10 | 課堂不定期點名。缺席一次扣總分2分,缺課超過五次以上者,該科學期成績以零分計 |
課堂參與課堂參與 Class Participation |
10 | 每週針對特定主題進行,將請同學們於課堂進行討論,主動發於課堂發表意見或提問者進行加分 |
個人作業三份個人作業三份 Three personal operations |
30 | 包括性別經驗作業,電影觀賞心得,實務工作者課堂講座心得(二場中擇一場)。每份作業至少1200字以上,無字數上限。 |
期中個人報告期中個人報告 Midterm personal report |
25 | 訪談身邊重要之女性,書寫女性生命故事,並根據其生命故事進行性別處境分析。字數至少5000字,無字數上限。 |