1. Knowledge and theory: Through understanding the implementation of youth welfare policies and youth development (physiological, psychological, social) stages, and related social work theory, we will guide students to understand the connotation of children’s and youth social work, and lay the foundation for the future of youth social work services.
2. Practical Questions: Through video analysis, reading outside the course and sharing by practical workers, we will understand various youth social questions, help students understand the current situation of youth social work services, and improve their ability to develop adaptability strategies after entering the job after their birthday to effectively help young people have a better social fit.
The purpose of this course is to help students recognize the problems of contemporary teenagers, such as intercourse, crime, drug use, Internet-related issues (sexual assault, sexual assault, destruction), self-killing (injury) behavior, emotional disorders, etc., and to evaluate the aspects of teenagers' problems based on personal characteristics based on legal, family, school, community, society and other systems. , and use social work-related discussions, understanding the policies of the current social security network and the understanding of the concept of inflicted informed youth guidance, and then learn evaluation, encounter methods, development service plans and formulate suitable encounter strategies to help the career after birthday, which can effectively assist the development and social adaptation of young people, and thus help improve the relevant issues of young people.
(2)Paula Allen-Meares(2003)。兒童青少年社會工作(Social Work with Children and Adolescents)(闕漢中譯)。台北市:洪葉文化。(原著出版年:1994)
(5)Charmaine R. Brittain& Deborah Esquibel Hunt(2011)。兒少保護社會工作(Helping in Child Protective Services: A Competency-Based Casework Handbook)(鄭麗珍總校閱)。台北市:洪葉文化。(原著出版年:2004)
(7)Donald Collins& Catheleen Jordan& Heather Coleman(2016)。家庭社會工作(An Introduction to Family Social Work)(魏希聖譯)。台北市:洪葉文化。(原著出版年:2013)
1. Main textbook: Chen Jinding (2007). Youth development and adaptive problems. Taipei: Psychological Publishing House.
2. Reference books:
(1) Lian Tingjia and Gao Dengdi (2016). Youth culture, psychology and guidance.
(2) Paula Allen-Meares (2003). Social Work with Children and Adolescents (Social Work with Children and Adolescents). Taipei City: Hongye Culture. (Original publication year: 1994)
(3) Lin Xieyi (2015). Overview of school social work. Taipei City: Hongye Culture. (CH6, 8, 9, 10)
(4) Guo Jinghuang (2008). Children and adolescents work with family and society. Taipei City: Savvy culture.
(5) Charmaine R. Brittain & Deborah Esquibel Hunt (2011). Helping in Child Protective Services: A Competency-Based Casework Handbook (Cheng Lizhen Chief Executive). Taipei City: Hongye Culture. (Original publication year: 2004)
(6) Zheng Lizhen, You Meiqiu et al. (2015). Children and adolescents protect social work practice manual. Kaohsiung City: Juliu Book Company.
(7) Donald Collins & Catheleen Jordan & Heather Coleman (2016). An Introduction to Family Social Work (An Introduction to Family Social Work). Taipei City: Hongye Culture. (Original publication year: 2013)
(8) Number of articles in the quarterly community development issue
(9) Produce the number of quarterly articles
3. Designated reading outside the course (Part 1):
(1) Kawaho Hayao (2016). Children and evil: See the message behind the child's evil (sons and evil) (translation of Lin Xiang). Taipei City: Heart Workshop. (Original publication year: 2014)
(2) Kawaho Hayao (2016). Adults’ hard work: accompanying children through growth (adults’ pure translation). Taipei City: Heart Workshop. (Original publication year: 2014)
(3) Children's Welfare Alliance Cultural and Educational Foundation (2016). "Catching the Kids Before the World Falls" - The Story of High-Risk Family. Taipei City: Children's Welfare Alliance Cultural and Educational Foundation
(4) Dasuke Otsuki (2017). The most sleepy woman: a traitor who dared not ask for help (the most sleepy woman) (translated by Chen Ling'an). New Taipei City: Guanghuo Publishing (Original Publication Year: 2014)
(5) Vine ring (2016). Residence in Youth: An exploration and governance from refusal to social regression (Social ひきこももももももももももももももももももももももももももももももももももももももももももももももももももももももももももももももももももももももももも� Taipei City: Heart Workshop Culture (Original Publication Year 1998)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平常分數平常分數 Normal score |
25 | 1. 出席情形 2. 參與課堂及小組討論之 意願與能力 |
書面報告書面報告 Written Report |
30 | 1.讀書心得 2.案例處遇策略 |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
15 | 筆試 |
小組報告小組報告 Group Report |
30 | 1.團隊合作 2.報告內容之充實性與專業性 3.呈現方式之統整性與創意 |