course information of 106 - 2 | 2276 Children & Social Work(兒童與社會工作)

Taught In English2276 - 兒童與社會工作 Children & Social Work

教育目標 Course Target

本課程宗旨在協助學生認識兒童社會工作的基本概念,了解兒童權利的內涵、政策與立法及兒童社會工作實務技巧,以便了解兒童社會工作之現況與未來的發展趨勢。藉由理論的運用與相關議題的探討,協助學生理解在不同處境下如何協助兒童及其家庭,使學生可掌握兒童社會工作所應具備的專業技術。並進一步透過案例的操作說明將理論及實務作結合協助學生有更全面的理解。The purpose of this course is to help students understand the basic concepts of children's social work, understand the connotation, policies and legislation of children's rights, and practical skills in children's social work, so as to understand the current situation of children's social work and future development trends. Through the use of theory and the exploration of related topics, students can understand how to assist children and their families in different situations, so that students can master the professional skills that children should have in their social work. Furthermore, through the operational instructions of the case, we will combine theoretical and practical matters to help students have a more comprehensive understanding.

課程概述 Course Description

The Children’s and Social Work course aims to introduce the basic concepts of children’s social work and understand the connotation of children’s rights, related policies and legislation. At the same time, we use the understanding of the theory and the connotation of child welfare to explore the issues related to children, and help students understand how to use professional knowledge and practical skills in social work to help children and their families in order to benefit future children's social work.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.闕漢中(2003)。Paula Allen-Meares 原著。《兒童青少年社會工作》。台北:洪葉文化。
2.黃瑋瑩、辜惠媺譯(2006)。Nancy Boyd Webb 原著。《兒童社會工作實務》。台北:學富。
8.吳書昀、 蕭琮琦、 劉美芝、 邱仕杰、 徐宜瑩、 賴宏維(2015)。親屬安置的困境與爭議性議題之探究:實務工作者的觀點。
10. 蘇秀枝, 黃瑋瑩, 蘇文賢譯(2014)。Cynthia Crosson-Tower原著。兒童福利:從實務觀點出發。台北:學富文化。

1. Daohanzhong (2003). Paula Allen-Meares Original. "Social Work for Children and Youths". Taipei: Hongye Culture.
2. Translation of Huang Wei and Gu Hui (2006). Original by Nancy Boyd Webb. "Children's Social Work Practice". Taipei: Learn to be rich.
3. Peng Shuhua et al. (2008). "Child Welfare: Theory and Practice". Taipei: Huadu culture.
4. Guo Jinghuang (2008). "Children and Academic and Family Social Work". Taipei: Sharp wisdom.
5. Xu Yi-ying (2012). Reverse family care roles and experiences? - Take the example of a few family caregivers and adult families who are cared for. Nantou: Proficiency essay from the Institute of Social Policy and Social Work of Jinan University.
6. Chen Ziliang (2017). From the perspective of child rights protection - hearing the voice of the child's heart. Nantou: Proficiency essay from the Institute of Social Policy and Social Work of Jinan University.
7. Bai Qianru (2017). Constructing the primary prevention community protection factor for child protection - family center orientation. Journal of Social Development Research, 11, 97-109.
8. Wu Xuyun, Zi Congqi, Liu Meizhi, Qiu Shijie, Xu Yijiang, and Zi Hongwei (2015). Research on the dilemma and disputes of the relationship between the relatives: the perspectives of practical workers.
Journal of Social Policy and Social Work, 19(2), 31-74.
9. Wu Shuyun (2011). A preliminary study on the care experience of children and young people in family care. Journal of Social Policy and Social Work, Volume 4, Issue 4, Pages 153-190.
10. Su Xiuzhi, Huang Hui, Su Wen Jue (2014). Original Cynthia Crosson-Tower. Children's welfare: Developed from practical perspectives. Taipei: Learn to be rich in culture.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
30 選擇題、問答題,對兒童相關理論知識之概念之理解為主
Final exam
30 問答題與申論題,兒童實務工作案例之分析
Course Participation
15 課程參與包含出席率及課堂表現
25 依課程分組準備簡報,並提供書面報告

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/3,4[SS102]
授課教師 Teacher:潘盈儒
修課班級 Class:社工系2
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 103 人。

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