course information of 106 - 2 | 2271 Social Programs and Social Work(社會問題與社會工作)

Taught In English2271 - 社會問題與社會工作 Social Programs and Social Work

教育目標 Course Target

本課程要介紹的問題: 1是社會的:不是私人的,是與公眾有關,需公眾力量介入處理。 2.是問題的:不是正常的,不是好的現象。 3.是眼前可以看到的。 4.是台灣的。 5.是與社會工作有關的。 本課程結合社會學與社會工作,培養社會工作學生觀察、分析、瞭解台灣社會問題的能力,介紹相關理論、統計數據、研究報告、行動方案。從當前的新聞、事件、議題、論述之中分析與探討社會問題,使學生能從較寬廣的角度掌握台灣社會的脈動,又瞭解那些問題與社會工作特別相關。 學生需認識與靠近「有問題的人」、「處在困境中的家庭」、「陷入掙扎與風險的群體」。近年,我帶領一些夥伴服務街友、低收入戶、身心障礙者、家暴受虐者、藥癮患者…,在課堂中依序說明。 期待學生:腦冷---理解各方面狀況、心熱---在乎社會的困境、腰挺---具有自信心、腳快---具有行動力。 Questions to be introduced in this course: 1 is social: not private, but related to the public and requires public forces to intervene. 2. It is a problem: it is not normal, it is not a good phenomenon. 3. It can be seen in front of you. 4. It is from Taiwan. 5. It is related to social work. This course combines social and social work, cultivates social work students' ability to observe, analyze and understand Taiwan's social problems, and introduces relevant theories, statistical data, research reports, and action plans. Analyzing and exploring social problems from current news, events, discussions and comments allows students to grasp the movements of Taiwan society from a broader perspective, and understand those problems are particularly related to social work. Students need to know and be close to "people with problems", "families in difficulties", and "groups that are trapped and risky". In recent years, I have brought some partners to serve street friends, low-income residents, physical and mental disabilities, domestic violence abusers, and drug patients, and explained them in sequence in the classroom. Looking forward to students: cold brains--understand all aspects of the situation and the heart---caring about social difficulties, waist---being confident and fast---being capable of acting.

課程概述 Course Description

社會問題的本質是「社會的」,也是「問題的」,本課程從鉅視面思考,希望能協助學生懂得如何對台灣社會問題有「事實瞭解」,基於理論有「原因分析」,並且偏重社會工作部分「實際面對」。 課程看重結構性的社會問題,掌握這一點是進行社會問題認識和分析的第一個起點。本課程對於「社會問題」的部分有四個核心問題需要討論:第一,什麼是社會問題?第二,是什麼將一個問題變成「社會(性)問題」?第三,社會問題的成因是什麼?第四,針對社會問題,人們可以有何作為?社會工作則是著重在瞭解社會問題之後如何應用社會工作知能和方法於各個實務工作場域。 因此,培養學生敏銳觀察分析社會問題的能力及學習將之運用於社會工作實務上,是本課程的期許和目標。
The essence of social problems is "social" and "problem". This course is thought from a personal perspective, hoping to help students understand how to have a "factual understanding" of social problems in Taiwan, based on the theory, and focus on the "in-personality" of social work. The course focuses on structural social problems, and mastering this is the first starting point for social problem recognition and analysis. This course has four core issues that need to be discussed in the "Social Questions" section: First, what is a social question? Second, what turns a problem into a "social (sex) problem"? Third, what are the causes of social problems? Fourth, what can people do when it comes to social problems? Social work focuses on how to apply social work knowledge and methods in various practical work areas after understanding social problems. Therefore, it is the duration and goal of this course to cultivate students' ability to observe and analyze social problems and apply their learning to social work.

參考書目 Reference Books

Peng Qingzhen (2013) Social Questions. Hong Ye.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
Final exam

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/2,3,4[SS212]
授課教師 Teacher:彭懷真
修課班級 Class:社工系1
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀。1F
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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