身處21世紀初期的台灣,在這帝國邊緣,我們又不得不敏感於:「究竟應該怎樣理解台灣的經濟處境?我們位處資本主義世界經濟(world economy)的什麼位置?全球歷史變遷的浪潮正將我們帶向何方?」我們熟悉的台灣社會議題,包括青年貧窮化、貧富分化、勞動彈性化、房價高漲、掠奪式積累、民主失靈、社會福利崩壞和保守主義興起等等,其實都不是台灣獨有的現象,而是當代資本主義世界經濟衍生的結構性問題。由美國主導的「全球化」正在結束,區域經濟的板塊劇烈挪移,地緣政治充滿了暴力預感,極右派在世界各地崛起……。台灣社會雖然偏處一隅,卻不可能永遠置身事外。非常遺憾,台灣社會學界愈來愈無力回答這些問題,沈溺在上個世紀所定義的社會學學術課題。21世紀撲天蓋地而來,青年世代如何自處?我們需要政治經濟學的幫助,並且渴求具有世界格局的視野(perspectives of the World)。
"What is capitalism? How does capitalism influence the collective fate of modern people? Are there other alternatives?" In my opinion, it is still the core question of society. Part of the reason why these questions are difficult to answer is that capitalism continues to evolve and is intertwined with many political, social, cultural and geographical factors, which is unusually complex. Another reason is that these problems are destined to spark many political ideas and inspire scholars on different stages to develop discussions on the long-term history. How to understand the "capitalism" not only determines how we understand the direction of the contemporary world, but also how we define ourselves, our society, and outline a more reasonable image of the future, leading to the social reality we can expect (whether supporting or opposing the present). In other words, this is definitely not a pure intellectual issue, but also a political and practical subject that involves a lot.
In Taiwan in the early 21st century, we had to be sensitive to this empire: "How should we understand Taiwan's economic situation? We are in the capitalist world economy (world) Where is the economy? Where is the wave of global historical changes leading us? "We are familiar with Taiwan's social issues, including youth indigenization, wealth-dividing, health-promoting, high housing prices, predatory accumulation, democratic loss, social welfare collapse and rising conservativeism, etc., are not unique to Taiwan, but rather the structural problems derived from the economics of the contemporary capitalist world. "Globalization" led by the United States is over, the blocks of regional economy are moving violently, the ground politics is full of violent premonitions, and the extreme right is rising around the world... Although Taiwan's society is far away, it is impossible for it to stay out of the matter forever. Unfortunately, Taiwan’s social circle is becoming increasingly unable to answer these questions, and is addicted to the social academic subjects defined by the previous century. The 21st century is coming from the sky and the earth, how do young generations move on their own? We need help from political and economics and desire perspectives of the World.
Political and economics is a battlefield that is full of satisfaction. But from another perspective, at least learning political economy has the opportunity to let us suffer the fate of being deceived. This course will follow the perspective of the history of thought, explore the political economic theory of 10 thinkers in sequence, carefully examine the conflict between mainstream economics and Marxism, explore the operational logic of the capitalist world economy, and finally examine several possible explanations. We will discover how these thinkers break through the achievements of the times, even affect the direction of history, and participate in shaping the world we are familiar with. From the theoretical classics, we might as well look back at contemporary Taiwanese society at the same time, which instead provides a wider reflection perspective and spiral space. Bring a little bit of the necessary distance, but it is willing to add a historical understanding and gain a closer understanding of the collective fate of our generations. See the restrictions and find opportunities.
The Class is designed for the comprehension of Political Economy. Political economy originally was the term for studying production, buying and selling, and their relations with law, custom, and government. In line with the discussion, the course aims at:
a. History of Political Economy
b. Approaches to Political Economy
c. Critics to Political Economy
The Class is designed for the comprehension of Political Economy. Political economy originally was the term for studying production, buying and selling, and their relationships with law, custom, and government. In line with the discussion, the course aims at:
a. History of Political Economy
b. Approaches to Political Economic
c. Critics to Political Economic
David Greber, 2013, The History of Debt: From the Initial of Civilization to the Age of Global Negative Debts. Taipei: The first edition of Shang and Zhou dynasties; issued by the family media City-Band Branch.
David Harvey, 2003, Postmodern State: An Exploration on the Invasion of Cultural Changes. Beijing: The first edition of business.
David Harvey, 2007, "Paris, the capital of modernity". Taipei: Group studies.
David Harvey, 2008, "New Empire". Taipei: Group studies.
David Harvey, 2010, "Space of Capital: Critical Geography". Taipei: Group studies.
David Harvey, 2017, "The World's Logic: How to Make the World We Live in More Rational and Controllable". Shanghai: Sanjiao Book; CITIC Publishing House.
David Harvey, 2017, "The Space of Neoliberalism: The Theory of Directional Inequality Geographic Development". Shanghai: Sanjiao Book; CITIC Publishing House.
David Harvey, 2017, "Limits of Capital". Shanghai: Sanjiao Book; CITIC Publishing House.
Carl Marx, 1972, "The Declaration of the Communist Party". Contained in "Selected Works of Marx and Engels (Volume 1). Beijing: People's Publishing House.
Carl Marx, 1997, "Critique of Coddatun". Beijing: People's Publishing House.
Carl Marx, 2000, "Manuscript of Political Economy and Philosophy in 1844". Beijing: People's Publishing House.
Carl Marx, 2001, "The Eighteenth Day of Louis Bonaparte's Moon". Beijing: People's Publishing House.
Carl Marx, 2004, "Stock of Capital". Beijing: People's Publishing House.
Carl Bolani, 1989, "The Changes: The Origins of Contemporary Politics and Economy". Taipei: Far.
Friedrich Hayek, 1982, "The Road to Slavery". Taipei: Laurels.
Friedrich Hayek, 1999, Chapter on Freedom. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press.
Friedrich Hayek, 2000, "The Deadly Self-Debt". Beijing: China Social Sciences Press.
Friedrich Hayek, 2003, Personalism and Economic Order. Beijing: Life, Reading, New Knowledge Sanlian Bookstore.
Imanniu Hualestin, 1998, Modern World System. Beijing: Higher Education Press.
Imanniu Hualestin et al., 2002, The End of Liberalism. Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press.
Imanniu Hualestin et al., 2014, "Is there still a future for capitalism?" 》. Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press.
Lenning, 2001, "Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism". Beijing: People's Publishing House.
Lenning, 2001, "National and Revolution". Beijing: People's Publishing House.
Lening, 2010, "Lening's Special Essays: Discussing Capital Theory". Beijing: People's Publishing House.
Toma Pikati, 2014, "Twenty-first Century Capital Discussion". New Taipei City: Published by Wucheng; Distribution of far-reaching culture.
Toma Pikati, 2016, "Inequality of Economics". Taipei. To clear the city; to carry out cultural development.
Written by Adam Smith, 1997, "Mythical Sentiment". Beijing: Commercial Printing Library.
Written by Yadon Smith, 2009, "Study on the Nature and Causes of National Wealth". Beijing: Commercial Printing Library.
Joseph Schumpeter, 2001, History of Economic Analysis. Taipei: Left Bank Culture.
Joseph Schumpeter, 2003, "Mainlandism, Socialism, and Democracy." Taipei: Left Bank Culture.
Joseph Schumpeter, 2009, Theory of Economic Development. Beijing: Commercial Printing Library.
John Keins, 1986, "Coin Discussion". Beiqing: Commercial Printing Library.
John Keins, 1992, General Theory of Employment, Interest and Coins. Taipei: Timely Publishing.
Joni Ahnki, 1999, "The Long Twenty Century: Money, Power and the Roots of Our Society". Hong Kong: Oxford.
Joni Ahnki, 2006, "Chaos and Governance of Modern World Systems". Beijing: Life, Reading, New Knowledge Sanlian Bookstore.
Joni Ahnki, 2009, "Abbot Smith in Beijing". Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press.
Fernan Bulder, 1996, "The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II." Beijing: Commercial Printing Library.
Fernan Bulder, 2006, "Material Civilization, Economy and Capitalism in the 15th to 18th Century: Time of the World (Volume III). Xindian City, Taipei County: Zuoan Culture Publishing; Distribution in the Far.
Fernan Buldeer, 2008, "About History". Beijing: Beijing University Press.
Fernan Buldeer, 2016, "History of Civilization: The Inheritance and Exchange of Human Civilization". Taipei: Published at the Plaza.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
文本閱讀心得文本閱讀心得 Text reading experience |
52 | 請針對文本內容,撰寫600字以上的閱讀發現與質疑批判,並於每週上課之前上傳教學平台(共13篇,每篇4分)。 |
課程參與課程參與 Course Participation |
30 | 包括出席、導讀、提問、參與等綜合評比。每位同學請於學期初挑選2篇導讀文本,並於該週課堂上口頭闡述文本要旨並提出質疑批判,毋須製作投影片。 |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
5 | 請自行挑選一個政治經濟學議題(時事、理論或結合兩者),撰寫6千字以上的書面報告。內容應側重個人的社會學思考與分析,不可剪輯堆砌資料,更不可抄襲。 |