course information of 106 - 2 | 2103 Practice of Sustainable Development Policy(永續發展政策實踐)

Taught In English2103 - 永續發展政策實踐 Practice of Sustainable Development Policy

教育目標 Course Target

永續發展是一個改變的過程(a process of change),而在國內外的永續發展歷程上,也確實出現了成功轉型的地方永續發展個案.有鑒於此,本課程除了將帶領同學認識永續發展的理論概念,更重的是實際體驗與理解我國地方永續發展的成功實踐個案(屏東縣林邊鄉的產業永續轉型的現場體驗),以及藉由同學蒐集的國內外影片,分享國內外的地方永續發展轉型的成功個案(例如臺中市公車發展,高美溼地的轉型治理,荷蘭的水域治理,以及德國的太陽能社區等),擴展永續發展的視野,並使所有同學都能夠更具體地理解永續發展的政策內涵,落實在地關懷.Permanent development is a process of change, and in the process of permanent development at home and abroad, a successful transformation of the place has also emerged. In this regard, in addition to bringing students to understand the theoretical concept of continuous development, this course focuses on the actual experience and understanding of the successful implementation of our local areas (the current experience of the continuous transformation of industry in Linbian Township, Pingtung County), as well as domestic and foreign videos collected by classmates to share domestic and foreign places. Fang Yong's successful development of transformation projects (such as Taichung City bus development, Gaomei land transformation governance, Dutch water governance, and Germany's solar community, etc.), expanding the vision of continuous development, and allowing all students to more specifically understand the policy connotation of continuous development and implement local concerns.

參考書目 Reference Books

(2)汪志忠與鄭雅云,2015,台中市免費公車政策對搭乘人數之影響,行政暨政策學報 .
(3)林良泰等人,2011,臺中市高潛力公車關鍵政策變遷分析,運輸計劃季刊 .
(1) Wang Zhizhong and Zeng Zhiyin, 2016, Social capital and government effectiveness of the continuous transformation of regional industries: Pingtung County Nutrition and Electrical Case Analysis, Political Science Forum.
(2) Wang Zhizhong and Zheng Yayun, 2015, the impact of Taichung City’s free bus policy on the number of passengers, Administrative and Policy Report.
(3) Lin Liangtai et al., 2011, Analysis of the Changes of High-Power Bus Key Policies in Taichung City, Transportation Plan Quarterly.
(4) Supplementary explanation in the hall.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Actual case visit report (800-1000 words)
Video sharing
Learning experience report (800-1000 words)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/3,4[C219]
授課教師 Teacher:汪志忠
修課班級 Class:行政系4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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