course information of 106 - 2 | 2100 Mass Communication & Public Affairs(大眾傳播與公共事務)

Taught In English2100 - 大眾傳播與公共事務 Mass Communication & Public Affairs

教育目標 Course Target

在民意高漲、資訊快速流動的現代社會中,大眾傳播的角色與力量已愈來愈受到重視與檢視,大眾傳播在社會中到底能發揮什麼樣的效果?對事件的原貌又會產生什麼樣的影響?新科技的加入會否扭曲真象或是加速力道的漫延?恐怕讓人們迷惑卻又不知不覺地跟著「潮流」前進,但這是不是我們生活的真實世界? 傳播從萬能論演變到兩面論,在在衝擊我們的生活,傳播是一種工具卻也如一頭猛獸,如何看待與駕馭已成為學界與實務界不得不正視的議題。 本科將透過理論與實務的落差探討讓學習者從中瞭解到事件的真貌與傳播後的結果,進而提醒學習者不斷地做出省思,避免在資訊橫流的潮浪中被淹沒而能做出正確的決定。In a modern society where public opinion is high and information flows rapidly, the role and power of the public's communication have been increasingly valued and viewed. What effect can the public's communication have in society? What impact will the original appearance of the incident have? Will the addition of new technologies distort the truth or accelerate the spread of power? I'm afraid people will be confused and unconsciously following the "trend", but is this the real world where we live? Communication has changed from a singular discussion to two-sided discussions, which is hindering our lives. Communication is a tool and is like a fierce beast. How to view and kill has become a question that the academic and practical worlds have to be viewed correctly. Undergraduate students will use the gap between theoretical and practical discussion to allow learners to understand the true appearance of the incident and the results after the spread, and then remind students to constantly reflect on themselves to avoid being flooded in the tide of information flow and being able to make correct decisions.

參考書目 Reference Books

一.余也魯 譯述,傳學概論:傳媒 信息人,香港:海天書樓,1977

1.Hovland,Carl.T he Order of Presentation in Persuasion,New Haven,Ct.:Yale University press,1957.
one. Yu Yelu's translation, translation overview: Media Information Person, Hong Kong: Haitian Bookstore, 1977
2. Fang Lansheng, the principle of propagation. Taipei: Sanmin Book Bureau, Min 82.
3. Wang Hongjing, public communication and modern society. Taipei: Zhengzhong Book Bureau, Min 76.
4. Zhengqian, News and Communication, Taipei: Zhengzhong Book Bureau, Civil 62.
5. Li Jinyan, the public propaganda theory, Taipei: Sanmin Book Bureau, 2005 revised third edition.
6. Weng Xiuqi, the public spread theory and practice. Taipei: Sanmin Book Bureau, 2007.6 Edition.

1.Hovland, Carl.T he Order of Presentation in Persuasion, New Haven, Ct.:Yale University press, 1957.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
Final exam
Regular assessment

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學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/7,8[SS108]
授課教師 Teacher:黃文明
修課班級 Class:行政系2-4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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