course information of 106 - 2 | 2098 Public Opinion Pools and Analysis(民意調查與分析)

Taught In English2098 - 民意調查與分析 Public Opinion Pools and Analysis

教育目標 Course Target

民意調查已被企業、政府與媒體等機關廣泛運利,目的是要瞭解民眾或消費者的意向。民意調查的實施有其理論層面與操作層面,而本課程的目標就是讓同學認識民意調查的理論概念與實際操作的技巧,並藉由實際演練民意調查,讓同學在理論與實務上都能有廣泛的收穫。 本課程內容包含理論引導與實務練習,分成三大部分: 1.民意調查的理論介紹:主要說明民意的特性、蒐集民意的調查方式、問卷設計的重要概念,並認識民意調查的倫理。 2.調查資料的取得與分析:基礎統計方法的提示、SPSS操作,報表分析,民意調查案例閱讀。 3.民意調查報告的判讀與撰寫:透過案例示範與教學,學習民意調查報告的寫作與分析方式,最後使用已完成的調查資料,在說明調查目的與資料後,同學可以撰寫出一份完整的民意調查報告。 4.安排參訪民意調查機構(視情況安排)。 Public opinion surveys have been widely profited by enterprises, governments, media and other agencies, with the aim of understanding the intentions of the people or consumers. The implementation of public opinion surveys has its own theoretical and operational aspects. The purpose of this course is to allow students to understand the theoretical concepts and practical operation skills of public opinion surveys, and to practice public opinion surveys in actual practice, so that students can gain a broad range of theory and practice. The content of this course includes theoretical guidance and practical practice, which is divided into three parts: 1. Theoretical introduction of public opinion surveys: mainly explains the characteristics of public opinion, the investigation method of collecting public opinion, the important concepts of questionnaire design, and understands the ethics of public opinion surveys. 2. Acquisition and analysis of survey data: prompts of basic statistical methods, SPSS operations, report analysis, and reading of public opinion survey cases. 3. Reading and writing of public opinion survey reports: Through case demonstration and teaching, learn the writing and analysis methods of public opinion survey reports, and finally use the completed survey data. After explaining the purpose and data of the survey, students can write a complete public opinion survey report. 4. Arrange to visit the public opinion investigation agency (conditional arrangement).

參考書目 Reference Books


Main textbooks: Editor of Chen Shuji, 2016, Public Opinion Survey New, Taipei: Wunan Publishing.

Reference textbooks: application statistics, TVBS Public Opinion Survey Center website, Taichung Municipal Government Seminar and Examination Website, and other supplementary public opinion survey data, news, reports, and comments.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class Participation
Civilian case report (oral report)
Public opinion survey final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[SS207]
授課教師 Teacher:汪志忠
修課班級 Class:行政系2-4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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