course information of 106 - 2 | 2088 Personnel Administration(人事行政)

Taught In English2088 - 人事行政 Personnel Administration

教育目標 Course Target

人事行政學發展自人事管理,並結合人力資源管理概念與策略,向來是各類型組織得以運作自如、實踐組織目標的靈魂與工具。唯因為組織屬性的差異導致其發展重點與實務運作規範略有不同。本課程旨在針對政府組織的人事管理制度、法規、策略、制度等內容作為教授範疇,相關的課程名稱包括「公共人力資源管理、政府人力資源管理」。我國政府部門的人事行政制度又其特殊發展背景,綜合「人與事」兩造發展軸線,正向來看有其巧妙之處,但嚴加評斷又不難發現若干制度性限制。 各位同學修讀本門課程,不僅得以瞭解廣義人事行政議題,儲備一般人事管理領域所需的職場專長與技能,對有志報考公職或繼續研究所課程的同學則幫助更大。課程設計除採用指定教科書之外,更將印發重要考題解析、相關法規釋義相關資料,同時也將針對學術及政策研究發展的成果與趨勢進行討論,安排人事行政研究專家進行課堂演講。預計本課程的教授內容及進行方式如下: 一、 為學生講解如何成為國家公務人員,國家如何選拔公務人員,相關制度安排為何。 二、 為學生介紹世界主要國家的公務人力系統與安排為何,瞭解公共人力資源。 三、 為學生解答公務人員考試之重要考題:內容除「人事行政學理介紹、考銓制度、人事行政架構、人事行政法制與改革、公務人員與人力資源」之外,尚公務人員「考選-任用-陞遷-俸給-福利-考績-保障-培訓-退養與撫卹」等主題;此外,亦將納入文官制度相關研究發展議題,例如政府改造與文官政策、行政中立、高階文官制度等。詳見數位教學平台授課大綱Personnel administration develops its own personnel management and combines the concepts and strategies of human resource management. It has always been the soul and tool for various types of organizations to operate freely and implement organizational goals. It is only because of the differences in organizational attributes that their development focus is slightly different from the practical operation regulations. This course aims to teach the personnel management system, laws, strategies, systems and other contents of government organizations. The relevant course names include "Public Human Resource Management and Government Human Resource Management". The personnel administrative system of our government departments has a special development background. It combines the two development lines of "people and affairs". It is always clever, but it is not difficult to find several institutional restrictions if it is severely evaluated. Students who have studied this course will not only understand the topics of broad personnel administration, but also provide the field leaders and skills required in the general personnel management field, which will help students who are willing to apply for public positions or continue the institute course. In addition to using designated textbooks, the course design will also print and issue important test analysis and relevant legal and regulatory data. At the same time, it will also discuss the results and trends of the development of academic and policy research, and arrange for personnel and administrative research experts to conduct class lectures. The teaching content and conduct methods for this course are as follows: 1. Explain students how to become a national public servant, how the country selects a public servant, and what are the relevant institutional arrangements. 2. Introduce students on the public human resources systems and arrangements in major countries in the world and understand public human resources. 3. Answer students important questions for the examination of public personnel: In addition to "personnel and administrative science introduction, examination system, personnel and administrative structure, personnel and administrative legal system and reform, public personnel and human resources", public personnel and human resources are also included in the topics of "examination-appointment-admission-salary-payment-wealth-examination-guarantee-training-retirement-retirement-retirement-retirement-retirement-retirement-retirement" for public personnel; in addition, they will also be included in the research and development issues related to the civil service system, such as government transformation and civil service policies, administrative neutrality, and high-level civil service system. For details, please visit the Digital Teaching Platform Course

參考書目 Reference Books

Berman, E. M. et al. (2016). Human Resource Management in Public Service: Paradoxes, Processes, and Problems (5th ed.). London: Sage.
Chen, José Chiu-C., Min-Hsiu Chiang and Tin-Min Chen, (2013) Reinventing Strategies of Oral Examination in Taiwan Civil Service Recruitment. Public Personnel Management, 42(2): 292-308.(SSCI列名期刊/第1作者/IF: 0.455)

Chen Qiuzheng (2014). First-time public servant training: theory, change and prospect. Taipei: Zhisheng First Publishing House.
Chen Qiuzheng (2014). Analysis of the problems of the transformation of the county government organization and the use of human resources: Taking the "Taizhong County merger" as an example. Redeem Public Administration Review, Episode 11, pages 191-214. Shanghai: Yudan University. (CSSCI)
Xu Liyi et al. (2014). Personnel Administration. Taipei: Sky University Press.
Berman, E. M. et al. (2016). Human Resource Management in Public Service: Paradoxes, Processes, and Problems (5th ed.). London: Sage.
Chen, José Chiu-C., Min-Hsiu Chiang and Tin-Min Chen, (2013) Reinventing Strategies of Oral Examination in Taiwan Civil Service Recruitment. Public Personnel Management, 42(2): 292-308. (SSCI Listed Journal/No. 1 Author/IF: 0.455)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
The small exam
Graduate exam
Class Participation
Sub-group report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,8[SS201]
授課教師 Teacher:陳秋政
修課班級 Class:行政系4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 66 人。

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