course information of 106 - 2 | 1925 Globalization and Cross-Strait Economic and Trade Relations(全球化與兩岸經貿關係)

Taught In English1925 - 全球化與兩岸經貿關係 Globalization and Cross-Strait Economic and Trade Relations

教育目標 Course Target

課程目標: 1. 提供學生對全球化趨勢及國際經貿現況的了解,進而引發研習興趣。 2. 介紹全球化下的重要國際組織,諸如APEC、PECC。 3. 介紹兩岸經濟發展與經貿關聯,期盼學生關心兩岸經貿的實務與現況。 4. 說明區域經濟的發展現況,探討台灣經貿的可能未來方向。 5. 啟發學生思考,並進一步研讀和討論相關議題。 6. 促進學生自我學習,以團隊分工合作方式撰述研讀主題的報告,並練習簡報技能。 課程內涵:全球化、國際經濟、區域經濟組織、區域經濟整合、兩岸經貿關係Course Target: 1. Provide students with understanding of the trends of globalization and international trade, and in turn attracting research and development interest. 2. Introduce important international organizations under globalization, such as APEC and PECC. 3. Introduce the economic development and trading relationship between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, and hope that students will pay attention to the practice and current situation of trade between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. 4. Explain the development of regional economy and explore possible future directions for trade in Taiwan. 5. Start students thinking and further study and discuss related topics. 6. Promote students to learn by themselves, write reports on topics through team division of labor and cooperation, and practice simplified skills. Connotation of course: globalization, international economy, regional economic organization, regional economic integration, cross-strait trade relations

課程概述 Course Description

The trends and trends of globalization not only change the appearance and function of international organizations, but also have a huge impact on the international economic structure, such as the formation of a global value supply chain. Cross-strait trading relations are also deeply affected by globalization. Both sides are members of the Asia-Pacific Coalition (APEC), but the debate over whether the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) will challenge the APEC function and replace APEC. Trading relations between the two sides are closely related to geographical location and comparative interests, but the "red supply chain" will not impact existing relations. This course will explore the evolution and quality of the world, regional and cross-straits in the past and future due to globalization, with the goal of allowing students to understand the past and grasp the future in today's dynamic generations.

參考書目 Reference Books

5.T. Friedman, 丘羽先等譯,世界又熱又平又擠:全球暖化、能源耗竭、人口爆炸危機下的新經濟革命,天下文化,2009.
7.授課教師指定之文章或論文,例如:邱達生(Chiu, Darson)“Advancing the Production Networks in East Asia”, Modern Management Science & Engineering, Volume 1, Number 1, February 2013.

1. Du Zhenhua, World Economics Proposition: Global Production and Trade (3rd Edition), Huatai, 2016.
2. Senior, Mainland Policy and Cross-Strait Trade, Wunan, 2012.
3. Lin Zujia, return to the economic high, cross-strait trade and Taiwan's future, Gao Bao, 2008.
4. Tong Zhenyuan is waiting, opportunities and challenges of cross-strait trade relations, New Culture Creation, 2013.
5.T. Friedman, Qiu Yuxian and others translated, the world is hot, calm and sluggish: the new economic revolution under global warming, energy depletion, population explosion crisis, world culture, 2009.
6. Wu Jianzhong, Lin Weizhi, Hong Yuting, Peng Sidan, cross-strait trade: the latest time analysis and exploration, New Wenjing.
7. Articles or articles designated by the teacher, such as: Chiu, Darson "Advancing the Production Networks in East Asia", Modern Management Science & Engineering, Volume 1, Number 1, February 2013.
8. Other, the latest comments and reports on related topics, online or newspaper magazines.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attend discussions and participation
Sub-group report
Final exam

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/2,3,4[SS209]
授課教師 Teacher:鄧嘉宏/邱達生
修課班級 Class:經濟系3,4
選課備註 Memo:一般組及產經組指定選修學分,不辦理老師簽名選課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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