course information of 106 - 2 | 1916 China and East Asian Economics(中國與東亞經濟發展)

Taught In English1916 - 中國與東亞經濟發展 China and East Asian Economics

教育目標 Course Target

本課程之主要授課目的為訓練學生學習如何完成專業的研究分析報告,藉由研究專題進行的參與,讓同學觀察實際社會經濟問題後提出有興趣之研究主題,並融合大一到大三所學過的經濟專業知識,透過研究資料的蒐集、整理與分析,來培養經濟數據分析與邏輯推理及分析能力。本課程要求學生思考研究主題與資料之蒐集、整理與分析,並撰寫成書面報告,於期末時分組口頭報告,希望訓練學生有能力將經濟專業知識應用於實際議題的分析,以提升學生具備基礎數據分析、邏輯推理及分析能力。若同學們所挑選的議題在國內、外都已有大量的既存文獻,則透過國外文獻的回顧與掌握,本課程亦將提升同學們的基本外語能力。The main purpose of this course is to train students to learn how to complete professional research and analysis reports. Through the participation of research topics, students can propose interesting research topics after observing practical social economic issues, and integrate economic professional knowledge from freshmen to junior high school. Through the collection, sorting and analysis of research data, they can cultivate economic data analysis and logical reasoning and analysis skills. This course requires students to think about the collection, sorting and analysis of research topics and data, and write a written report, and organize oral reports at the end of the period. We hope that trainees can have the ability to apply economic professional knowledge to the analysis of actual topics to improve students' basic data analysis, logical reasoning and analysis skills. If the topics chosen by the classmates already have a large amount of existing literature at home and abroad, through the review and mastery of foreign languages, this course will also improve the students' basic foreign language abilities.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Principles of Econometrics R. Carter Hill etc.
2. 時間序列分析 經濟與財物上之應用 楊亦農著 雙葉書廊
1. Principles of Econometrics R. Carter Hill etc.
2. Time sequence analysis Economic and financial applications written by Yang Yiyuan Double Leaf Gallery

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attend the discussion group
20 由指導老師及同學評分
Research Report Participation
20 由指導老師及同學評分
Completed written report
30 由指導老師評分
Oral report completion
30 由指導老師評分

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3,4[SS202]
授課教師 Teacher:唐代彪
修課班級 Class:經濟系3,4
選課備註 Memo:一般組指定選修學分,不辦理老師簽名選課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 66 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 66 人。

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