讓學生了解結構化與物件導向系統分析與設計之概念,不只可應付研究所考試,並能擁有開發系統從無到有的自信與能力Let students understand the concepts of structured and object -oriented system analysis and design, not only can cope with the research institute exam, but also have the self -confidence and ability of the development system from scratch
(1) 系統分析與設計─理論與實務應用,第七版,吳仁和•林信惠 編著,智勝文化
(2) ACCESS投影片講義
(3) 中英文課外補充教材
(1) System analysis and design -theoretical and practical application, the seventh edition, edited by Wu Renhe Lin Xinhui, Zhisheng Culture
(2) Access slot lecture
(3) Chinese and English extra -curricular textbooks
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 Secondary entrance examination |
30 | 著重將課本介紹的各種圖實際應用於個案 |
期末系統開發專案口頭及書面報告期末系統開發專案口頭及書面報告 At the end of the period, system development project verbal and written report |
25 | 模擬以軟體廠商的角色作系統導入與教育訓練 |
分組作業分組作業 Group operation |
30 | 大約每三周兩次作業的頻率以公司行號為對象實際演練 |
平時成績平時成績 Usual grade |
15 | 出席率、上課表現 |