The aim of this course is to introduce to the students some mathematical skills which are useful in management.(1)Basic concepts (sets, functions, graphs, etc).
(2)Solving systems of linear eqations.
(3)Elements of matrix algebra.
(4)Essentials of linear programming.
(5)Elements of financial mathematics.The aim of this count is to intropuce to the statements shopHATHEMATICALS Which are useful in management. ETC).
(2) solving systems of linear equar eqrations.
(3) Elements of Matrix Algebra.
(4) Essentials of Linear Programming.
(5) Elements of Financial Mathematics.
Management mathematics is the basis of quantitative methods in the field of commercial management. Its content mainly includes three major items: linear algebra, calculus, and probability theory, and use the application of life practices, such as compound interest, linear planning, Marcov chain, decision theory, and so on. This course is suitable for those who have already taken calculus related courses. The goal is to make students familiar with basic mathematics and understand how the management mathematics is applied to solve the practice.
Finite Mathematics,8th ed., S.T. Tan.
We will use the Chinese translation of the book by Tan.
Finite Mathematics, 8THE., S.T. TAN.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
quiz 1quiz 1 quiz 1 |
20 | Do not miss the test |
midtermmidterm midterm |
30 | Do not miss the test |
quiz 2quiz 2 quiz 2 |
20 | Do not miss the test |
finalfinal final |
20 | Do not miss the test |