course information of 106 - 2 | 1679 M-commence & Digital Economy(行動商務與數位經濟)

Taught In English1679 - 行動商務與數位經濟 M-commence & Digital Economy

教育目標 Course Target

進入二十一世紀,科技發展日新月異,網路高速的發展下,改變了人類許多商業模式與生活型態,人手一機的年代造就了行動商務的大商機,而許多新型態的商業模式(如:O2O,C2M,網紅經濟,共享經濟...)正快速的衝擊著我們.本課程從「個案」、「理論」、與「實務」多元面向,逐步解說數位經濟高速發展下,如何結合雲端技術,物聯網(IOT)以及大數據(Big Data),各式型態的創新商務服務與應用.此外,透過數位行銷課程的設計,逐步解說行動行銷與 App指尖經濟、行動商務的應用與成功案例分析、社交 App(Line、微信..等)的行銷新哲學以及QR-Code 的應用與教學。期許透過專業數位行銷課程的解說實作與實際成功案例的分享,讓同學都能輕鬆學會雲端應用及行動商務等網路技能,迅速提升個人職場競爭力。Entering the 21st century, the development of science and technology is changing rapidly. With the rapid development of the Internet, many business models and lifestyles in humans have been changed. The era of having one machine has created large business machines for mobile business, and many new business models (such as O2O, C2M, Internet Red economy, sharing economy...) is quickly hindering us. This course gradually explains how to combine cloud technology, Internet of Things (IOT) and large data (Big) under the rapid development of digital economy under the rapid development of digital economy. Data), various types of innovative business services and applications. In addition, through the design of digital marketing courses, we gradually explain mobile marketing and App fingertip economy, mobile business application and success case analysis, social apps (Line, WeChat, etc.) new marketing philosophy, and QR-Code application and teaching. It is expected that through the interpretation of professional digital marketing courses, practical implementation and sharing of practical success stories, students can easily learn online skills such as cloud applications and mobile business, and quickly improve personal field competition.

參考書目 Reference Books

Self-edited textbooks

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Study period report
40 團體報告
Class seminar
30 上課參與度
Classroom performance
30 出缺席

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3,4[ST021]
授課教師 Teacher:謝東昇
修課班級 Class:財金系3,4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 50 人。

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