course information of 106 - 2 | 1583 Commerce Education and Service Learning(商管教育與服務學習)

Taught In English1583 - 商管教育與服務學習 Commerce Education and Service Learning

教育目標 Course Target

本課程延續「國際職場專業實習計畫」實踐教育創新之目標,以志工營模式結合「專業訓練」、「國際接軌」、「積極創新」、「團隊合作」、「關懷社會」及「有效管理」六大主軸。 修課學生必須於暑期(2018/7/2-7/27)擔任偏鄉學童的課業輔導員,由協力小學師長與授課教師團隊共同引導本國與外國志工針對輔導活動共同設計教案。 使修課學生透過各自學術專業,發展服務的方案,將學術及認知發展結合,在營隊中培養創造力、領導統御能力與關懷社會的情操,並參與社區服務,體會助人壯己之意義,建立大學、小學、社區三方互惠的服務模式。 本課程特色如下 1.教案設計:培養學生創造力 2.營隊培訓:培養跨科系學生團隊精神、人際溝通與領導統御能力 3.暑期偏鄉服務:培養學生關懷社會的能力與經驗 4.外國志工加入:訓練學生英語能力與提升國際視野 (2016年有美、澳、法、印尼等國志工加入;2017有AID加入) 活動簡介: http://intern.thu.edu.tw/web/news/detail.php?cid=10&id=23 *本課程歡迎全校各系學生修習!(不限管院) *除第一堂課外,本課程學期中不上課,將移至暑期統一授課,授課後即進駐服務一個月(7/3-28)。 *2018/2/26 下午17:30 舉辦活動說明會,將有相關說明並有歷屆志工分享,請有意加入者務必參加。地點:管理學院會計系M339教室。 *相關問題可詢問助教 kesg617g@thu.edu.tw 來信請務必署名。This course extends the goal of "International Professional Practice Plan" to implement educational innovation, and combines six major majors such as "Professional Training", "International Connection", "Energy Innovation", "Team Cooperation", "Concerning Society" and "Effective Management" with a volunteer model. Course students must be a professional instructor for local students during the summer (2018/7/2-7/27). The head of the Jiali Primary School and the teaching teacher team jointly guide the joint design of lesson plans between China and foreign volunteers in the coordination activities. Through their respective academic professions and service plans, students can combine academic and knowledge development, cultivate creativity, lead discipline and social sentiments in the team, participate in community services, and help others and self-help, and establish a three-party reciprocal service model for college, elementary school, and community. The course features are as follows 1. Lesson plan design: cultivating students' creativity 2. Team training: Cultivate the spirit of the interdisciplinary student team, international communication and leadership abilities 3. Summer country services: Cultivate students' abilities and experience in social concerns 4. Foreign volunteers join: trainees’ English abilities and improving international vision (In 2016, volunteers from the United States, Australia, France, Indonesia and other countries joined; in 2017, AID joined) Activity introduction: http://intern.thu.edu.tw/web/news/detail.php?cid=10&id=23 *This course is welcome to take the students from all departments of the school! (Not limited to the management institute) *Except for the first class, this course will not be held in the middle of the class and will be moved to the summer unified teaching course. After the class is taught, you will be admitted to the service for one month (7/3-28). *2018/2/26 17:30 pm will hold an event instruction meeting, and there will be relevant instructions and senior volunteers to share. Please be sure to participate if you are interested in joining. Location: M339 classroom, Department of Association of Management College. *For related questions, please contact the assistant kesg617g@thu.edu.tw. Please sign your letter.

課程概述 Course Description

This course teaches students lesson plan design, basic meeting and management knowledge, and teaching methods for children aged 6 to 12, leading the class and childlike management, so that students can integrate the knowledge learned in the classroom, design a set of learning courses that integrate English, activities, natural environment and meeting and management concepts to guide students in rural children, providing primary school students with opportunities for diversified learning and cultivating the enthusiasm of the society. Students in this course must be a course guide for students from different countries. Design lesson plans for guiding activities can allow students to apply their professional knowledge in an actual way, and cultivate students' sentiments about society, so as to guide learning with learning, strengthen learning through services, and complement each other.

參考書目 Reference Books

Lecture on the word

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Lesson plan design
Service performance
Course Report

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/11,12,13[M119]
授課教師 Teacher:許恩得
修課班級 Class:會計系1-4
選課備註 Memo:選課請詳授課大綱
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 14 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 14 人。

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