course information of 106 - 2 | 1355 Commerce Website Design and Management(商務網站設計與經營)

Taught In English1355 - 商務網站設計與經營 Commerce Website Design and Management

教育目標 Course Target

■ 課程目標 (Course Objectives) 旨在培養學生商務網站基礎設計與經營管理能力,主要有兩大目標。目標一乃透過w3schools的線上教材,介紹網頁元件基礎語法,讓學生能從零開始架設網站,在學生熟悉網頁中各元件與功能後,搭配相關虛擬主機與雲端服務,設計出一基礎版之商務網站並進行線上發佈。目標二乃聚焦於商務網站之經營層面,透過資訊流、金流與物流及網站相關營運數據分析之教學與討論,讓學生能夠了解網站經營的實際狀況,以達整合理論與實務之目的。 ■ 課程內涵 (Course Contents) 本課程旨在培養學生商務網站基礎設計與經營管理能力,課程內容主要包括學生商務網站設計架構、工具、語法、資料庫管理、雲端服務應用,以及經營管理層面之資訊流、金流、物流、與網站數據分析層面之教學與練習。課程規劃亦要求學生分組並實作出屬於自己的基礎商務網站,實際上線後,進一步將所蒐集之網站數據資料進行分析,得以修正並作經營調整■ Course Objectives It aims to cultivate students' basic design and management capabilities in business websites, and has two main goals. Target Ichino uses w3schools' online textbook to introduce the basic syntax of web components, allowing students to set up websites from scratch. After students are familiar with the components and functions in the web, they design a basic version of the business website and publish it online with relevant virtual hosts and cloud services. The second goal is to focus on the business website's operating level, through teaching and discussion on information flow, gold flow, logistics and website-related operation data analysis, so that students can understand the actual situation of website operation, so as to achieve the purpose of integrating rational discussion and practice. ■ Course Contents This course aims to cultivate students' business website basic design and management capabilities. The course content mainly includes teaching and practice of student business website design structure, tools, syntax, database management, cloud service applications, as well as information flow, money flow, logistics, and website data analysis layer on the business management layer. The course planning also requires students to sub-group and actually make their own basic business websites. After being online, they will further analyze the collected website data, which can be corrected and adjusted.

參考書目 Reference Books

書名︰ http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_blocks.asp.



書名︰Digital Business and E-Commerce Management (6 ed.)
作者︰Dave Chaffey

書名︰ Dreamwaver CS6 網頁設計應用集
Book name: http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_blocks.asp.
Author: w3schools
Publisher: w3schools
Year: 2018

Book name: PHP+MySQL+AJAX web design sample teaching book fourth edition,
Author: Chen Hui'an
Publisher: Flag Publishing House
Year: 2016

Book name: 16 courses in web program design,
Author: Shi Weiyan Research Office
Publisher: Flag Publishing House
Year: 2016

Book name: Digital Business and E-Commerce Management (6 ed.)
Author: Dave Chaffey
Publisher: Pearson
Year: 2014

Book name: Dreamwaver CS6 Web Design Application Set
Author: Wu Fengjian, Zhengyuan Fengjian
Publisher: Bosai Culture
Year: 2012

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class Participation, Discussion, and PracticeClass Participation, Discussion, and Practice
class participation, discussion, and practice
After-school Assignment After-school Assignment
After-school assignment
Mid-term ProjectMid-term Project
mid-term project
Final ProjectFinal Project
Final project

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/6,7,8[M025]
授課教師 Teacher:張榮庭/張譽騰
修課班級 Class:企管系3,4
選課備註 Memo:行銷與數位經營組選修。第一次務必到課加簽,未到未請假者視同棄選網路加選第二階段不開放登記
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 56 人。

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