在面臨自然資源的加速耗竭與環境的污染破壞之下,綠色創新產品與服務儼然成為未來發展趨勢,對企業而言不只在生產製造或是服務提供過程中需要節能減碳與降低環境的衝擊,同時須兼具綠色創新的設計思維,才能創造產品與服務實踐永續的價值、達到社會、經濟、環境三者平衡的永續發展。期望透過本課程培養學生產品與服務的創新思維、環境系統知識與核心議題與跨科際溝通與學習之能力。In the face of accelerated depletion of natural resources and environmental pollution and damage, green innovative products and services have become the trend of future development. For enterprises, not only in the process of production, manufacturing or service provision, they need to reduce carbon and reduce environmental impacts, but also have green innovative design thinking to create the value of products and services in a sustainable way, and achieve the balanced sustainable development of society, economy and environment. We hope to cultivate students' innovative thinking in products and services, environmental system knowledge and core topics, and cross-scientific communication and learning abilities through this course.
Teachers prepare textbooks by themselves
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時平時 Regular |
15 | 出勤 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
20 | 考試 |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
30 | 考試 |
心得報告心得報告 Experience report |
15 | 企業參訪心得書面報告 |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
20 | 分組口頭報告 |