The field of statistics focuses on quantitative methods that aid in inferring statistical results in a business environment. This course introduces the basic concepts and methods of statistics with applications in the field of management. Demonstrates methods of presenting data, ANOVA, and Regression.To conceptually understand the basic ideas of statistics, including probability distributions, estimation, hypothesis tests, inferences, experimental design, analysis of variance, regression, etc. To properly apply these statistical methods to real world problems using IBM SPSS (a statistical software) and draw valid conclusions.
You will also formulate, solve, and interpret mathematical models from various applications areas in statistics. This course will require the use of personal computers and spreadsheet-based software.The Field of Statistics Focuses on Quantitative Methods that Aid in Inferring Statistics in A Business Environment. Cepts and Methods of Statistics with Applications in the Field of Management. Demonstrates Methods of Presenting Data, Anova, and Conceptually UNDERSTAND The BASIC Ideas of Statistics, Including Probability Distributions, ESTIMATION, HYPOTHESIS TESTS, EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN, Analysis of Var Ince, regression, ETC. To Properly Apply the STatistical Methods to Real World Privems USING IBM SPSS (A Statistics) and DRAW Valid Conclusions.
You Will Also Formulating, Solve, and Interpret Mathematical Models from Various Applications in Statistics. TERS and Spreadsheet-Based Software.
Required 1: Statistics for Business and Economics (12th edition, International) by James T. McClave, George Benson, and Terry Sincich, 2013, Pearson, ISBN-13: 978-0-321-86682-0.
Required 2: SPSS統計分析與實務,林傑斌等,博碩文化,ISBN: 978-986-201-484-4
Required 1: Statistics for Business and Economics (12th Edition, International) by James T. McClave, George Benson, and Terry Sincich, PEARSON, isbn-13: 978-0-321-8-8 6682-0.
Required 2: SPSS statistical analysis and practice, Lin Jiebin, etc., Boshuo Culture, ISBN: 978-986-201-484-4
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
HomeworkHomework Homework |
15 | |
QuizzesQuizzes quizzes |
25 | |
Midterm ExamMidterm Exam Midterm EXAM |
30 | |
Final ExamFinal Exam FINAL Exam |
30 | |
OthersOthers Others |
5 |