course information of 106 - 2 | 1137 Digital Multimedia(數位多媒體)

Taught In English1137 - 數位多媒體 Digital Multimedia

教育目標 Course Target

本課程之目的在使學習者瞭解如何利用多媒體發展平台去建構數位多媒體資訊系統及網際網路相關技術與應用。整合文字(Text)、影像(Image)、動畫(Animation)、音訊(Audio)、圖形(Graphic)及視訊(Video)等不同型態的資訊,加以應用到各種領域,並籍由參與課程研討,開啟學習者對於互動式(Interaction)的數位多媒體應用更深的認識。本課程介紹電腦四大多媒體原理,包含影像、聲音、視訊及動畫。由於多媒體技術及相關的應用持續的發展,電腦多媒體逐漸成為一個跨領域的學門,與電腦多媒體相結合的領域包含:電子商務,醫學,機器人學,地理資訊學,社會學及藝術學門等。本課程除了介紹電腦四大多媒體之原理外,尚配合多媒體軟體的操作,給予學生理論兼具實務的學習經驗,達成人文社會與資訊科技相結合的發展目標: 1. 本課程可讓學生習得數位影音內容製作技術,增強其就業與升學競爭能力。 2. 本課程可讓學生習得多媒體系統架構,培養學生多媒體系統設計能力。 3. 本課程可讓學生獲得開發一多媒體系統平台所需的技術。 4. 本課程可讓學生有一實際開發數位多媒體專案的經驗。The purpose of this course is to enable learners to understand how to use the multimedia development platform to construct digital multimedia information systems and Internet-related technologies and applications. Integrate information from different types of text, image, animation, audio, graphics, and video, etc., and apply it to various fields. It also participates in course discussion to start learners' deeper understanding of interactive digital multimedia applications. This course introduces four major multimedia principles of computers, including images, sounds, videos and animations. Due to the continuous development of multimedia technology and related applications, computer multimedia has gradually become a cross-domain academic door. The fields combined with computer multimedia include: e-commerce, medicine, robotics, geography information, social science and art doors, etc. In addition to introducing the principles of the four major multimedia systems of computers, this course also cooperates with the operation of multimedia software to provide learning experience with practical physiology, and achieve a development goal that combines humanities and society with information technology: 1. This course allows students to obtain digital audio and video content production technology and enhance their ability to compete with academic advancement. 2. This course allows students to develop multimedia system architecture and cultivate students' multimedia system design capabilities. 3. This course allows students to obtain the technology required to develop a multimedia system platform. 4. This course allows students to have an actual experience in developing digital multimedia projects.

參考書目 Reference Books

Self-edited lectures

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Special topic
Regular achievements

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/6,7,Thursday/8[ST436]
授課教師 Teacher:黃育仁
修課班級 Class:資工系數創組1
選課備註 Memo:限數創組,重修同學以人工加選辦理
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 35 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 35 人。

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