course information of 106 - 2 | 1050 Environmental Resource Technologies and Management(環境資源技術與管理 )

Taught In English1050 - 環境資源技術與管理 Environmental Resource Technologies and Management

教育目標 Course Target

「環境資源技術與管理」涉及不同環境資源領域間之關係,舉凡空氣、水資源、廢棄物以及生態規劃等問題皆涵概在內,甚至社會、經濟之影響層面亦需加以考慮,相當廣泛且複雜,視為一門跨領域的科學及決策技術。課程設計目的在訓練學生由暸解環境資源,如水資源再生及能源之開發技術、方法步驟,及既有及最新趨勢與發展等理論,學習環境資源再生技術與管理策略。並探討國內外資源再生法令與推動策略的現況分析,比較國內外資源再生管理策略之可執行性,並藉由一些實際案例學習,落實學生對環境資源再生政策執行與規劃能力。本課程講授內涵包括河川流域水資源管理,環境能資源轉換,環境廢棄物能源化技術,大氣模式原理及應用,汙水再生,土壤資源利用與保育,空氣污染控制,生物性污染之水質安全考量,永續工程概論,環境衝擊與生態資源等。"Environmental Resource Technology and Management" involves relationships between different environmental resource areas. All issues such as air, water resources, wastelands and ecological planning are covered. Even the impact levels of society and economy need to be considered. They are quite broad and complex, and are considered a cross-domain scientific and decision-making technology. The purpose of course design is to train students to learn environmental resource regeneration technology and management strategies by learning environmental resource regeneration technology and management strategies, such as water resource regeneration and energy development techniques, methods and existing and latest trends and developments. It also explores the current analysis of domestic and foreign resource regeneration laws and promotion strategies, compares the executability of domestic and foreign resource regeneration management strategies, and implements students' ability to implement and plan environmental resource regeneration policies through some practical case learning. The teachings of this course include water resource management in river basins, environmental energy resource conversion, environmental waste energy technology, gas model principles and application, water regeneration, soil resource utilization and conservation, air pollution control, water quality safety considerations for biological pollution, sustainable engineering overview, environmental impact and ecological resources, etc.

課程概述 Course Description

"Environmental Resource Technology and Management" involves relationships between different environmental resource areas. All issues such as air, water resources, wastelands and ecological planning are covered. Even the impact levels of society and economy need to be considered. They are quite broad and complex, and are considered a cross-domain scientific and decision-making technology. The purpose of course design is to train students to learn environmental resource regeneration technology and management strategies by learning environmental resource regeneration technology and management strategies, such as water resource regeneration and energy development techniques, methods and existing and latest trends and developments. It also explores the current analysis of domestic and foreign resource regeneration laws and promotion strategies, compares the executability of domestic and foreign resource regeneration management strategies, and implements students' ability to implement and plan environmental resource regeneration policies through some practical case learning.

參考書目 Reference Books

Teacher's custom

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
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Course Information


學分 Credit:1-1
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/1,2[波錠廳]
授課教師 Teacher:張鎮南/魏玉麟/陳維燁/黃啟裕/鄧宗禹/張瓊芬/宋孟浩/陳鶴文/郭獻文/彭彥彬/陳玟伶
修課班級 Class:環工系2A,2B,3A,3B
選課備註 Memo:二A、二B、三A、三B合班。本課程為深碗型課程需同時修習1051「環境資源技術與管理實作」
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 152 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 152 人。

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