To teach you an understanding of discrete-event simulation modeling. Specific course objectives and the level of coverage:
1. Exploring the steps (and process) involved in a simulation project
2. Performing Monte Carlo spreadsheet simulation with Crystal Ball
3. Collecting and computing of time-persistent and observation-based statistics
4. Reviewing how a discrete-event calendar works for running a simulation model
5. Building models and animations using the Simu8 simulation softwareTo teach you an understanding of discrete-event simulation modeling. Specific course objectives and the level of coverage:
1. Exploring the steps (and process) involved in a simulation project
2. Performing Monte Carlo spreadsheet simulation with Crystal Ball
3. Collecting and computing of time-persistent and observation-based statistics
4. Reviewing how a discrete-event calendar works for running a simulation model
5. Building models and animations using the Simu8 simulation software
Modeling and simulation of discrete and continuous systems.
modeling and simulation of discrete and continuous systems.
系統模擬與Simul8教戰手冊,翁紹仁、Paul Savory,ISBN:978-986-88125-8-1 (2012/02),發行所:最佳決策系統研究團隊,出版人:阜盛文教事業有限公司。
System simulation and Simul8 Education War Manual, Weng Shuren, Paul Savory, ISBN:978-986-88125-8-1 (2012/02), Distribution: Best Decision System Research Team, Publisher: Fusheng Cultural and Educational Affairs Co., Ltd.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
HomeworkHomework homework |
20 | 6到8次作業 |
Semester ProjectSemester Project Semester project |
25 | 書面報告(50%), 口頭報告(50%) |
Midterm ExaminationMidterm Examination midterm examination |
25 | |
Final ExaminationFinal Examination Final examination |
25 |