本課程培養學生製圖與識圖能力,授課內容以基本圖學原理(投影、剖面、透視、標註等),藉由電腦繪圖軟體之教學使學生瞭解工程製圖的方法,具備基礎的工程圖學概念與實務操作能力。This course cultivates students' ability to make pictures and understand, teaches the course content based on basic picture principles (projection, profile, transparency, marking, etc.), and through the teaching of computer drawing software, students can understand the methods of engineering drawing, and have basic engineering drawing concepts and practical operation capabilities.
Self-edited textbooks
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席及作業出席及作業 Attendance and Work |
20 | |
隨堂測驗隨堂測驗 Lutang Test |
20 | |
期中測驗期中測驗 Midterm test |
30 | |
期末測驗期末測驗 Final test |
30 |