course information of 106 - 2 | 0728 Human Physiology Laboratory(人體生理學實驗)

Taught In English0728 - 人體生理學實驗 Human Physiology Laboratory

教育目標 Course Target

生理學原本即為一實驗科學。生理學實驗的一個重要的思考哲學在於透過改變生物系統外部及內部的環境,並透過儀器測量來觀察生物相對於環境變化作出的反應,以期了解生物系統運作的原理。本實驗課程之設計,在於: 1. 培養學生實驗操作的技巧,以及撰寫科學實驗報告的基本能力。 2. 訓練學生養成科學思考的邏輯,分析問題的方法,以及解決問題的能力。 3. 同時培養學生獨立思考與操作的能力,以及團隊工作的能力與態度。 在經過這門實驗課程之後,學生應該能夠學習到以下的技能: 1. 了解各項生理儀器測定的基本原理以及儀器校正的方法。 2. 具有分析實驗數據,繪製圖表的技巧以及撰寫完整實驗報告的能力,並能清晰地以文字及口語方式呈現實驗的結果。 3. 獨立完成各項實驗操作的能力。 4. 在團隊中分工合作的精神及實務。Physiology is originally a practical science. An important thinking philosophy in physiological experiments lies in modifying the external and internal environments of the biological system, and through instrument measurements, we can observe the reactions of biological relative to environmental changes, in order to understand the principles of the operation of biological systems. The design of this experiment course is: 1. Cultivate students' practical experiment operation skills and basic ability to write scientific experiment reports. 2. Training students to develop the logic of scientific thinking, methods of analyzing problems, and their ability to solve problems. 3. At the same time, cultivate students' ability to think independently and operate independently, as well as team work ability and attitude. After this experiment, students should be able to learn the following skills: 1. Understand the basic principles of each physiological instrument determination and the instrument correction method. 2. Have the skills to analyze experiment data, draw charts, and write complete experiment reports, and be able to clearly present the results of the experiment in words and spoken ways. 3. The ability to independently complete various experimental operations. 4. The spirit and practice of division of labor and cooperation among the team.

參考書目 Reference Books

Laboratory Manual for Animal Physiology (東海大學生命科學系出版)
Laboratory Manual for Animal Physiology (Published by Department of Life Sciences, Donghai University)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Experimental Report
Final report
Final exam
Tips and other adjustment points

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-1
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/7,8,9[BS406]
授課教師 Teacher:陳仁祥
修課班級 Class:生科系2-4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 27 人。

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