讓學生瞭解無機化學的基本領域,包括所有元素的單質及無機化合物的物理性質與化學性質。本課程將有系統的探討所有化合物和單質元素之分析、合成及其特性,並有系統的闡述其結構、化學鍵結、反應及應用,使學生能對無機化學產生興趣。課程內容包含下列兩大方面: (一)配位化學:配位模型與立體化學、分子光譜與鍵結、反應速率與其機構;(二)有機金屬化學:金屬羰化物、有機金屬化合物的合成、反應速率與其機構、與其催化作用。Let students understand the basic areas of inorganic chemistry, including the physical properties and chemical properties of all elements and the physical properties of inorganic compounds. This course will systematically explore the analysis, synthesis and characteristics of all compounds and single -quality elements, and systematically explain its structure, chemical bonding, response and application, so that students can become interested in inorganic chemistry. The content of the curriculum includes the following two major aspects: (1) Packing chemistry: Packaging model and three -dimensional chemistry, molecular spectrum and bonding, response rate and institution; The response rate is catalytic with its agency and its catalytic.
Miessler, G.L.; Fischer, P. J.; Tarr, D.A. Inorganic Chemistry,5th ed.2013(Prentice-Hall).
Mies victory, g.L.; Fischer, P. J.; TA to make people, D.A. Inorganic Chemistry, 5THE .2013 (Prentice-Hall).
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
小考小考 Small test |
40 | 期中前後各一次 |
出席出席 Attend |
10 | 點名10次每次點名分數為總分1分 |
期中考試期中考試 Mid -term exam |
25 | |
期末考試期末考試 Final exam |
25 |