course information of 106 - 2 | 0532 MATHEMATICA for Physics(MATHEMATICA與物理)

Taught In English0532 - MATHEMATICA與物理 MATHEMATICA for Physics

教育目標 Course Target

To teach physics major students with sophisticated ability in solving mathematical equations aided by MATHEMATICA software. This technique is applied to many respects in physics, such as mechanics, oscillations, electricity, magnetism, optics, and quantum physics. Students learn physics, mathematics, and MATHEMATICA by applying the system to numerous physics problems drawn from a broad range of topics in physics. MATHEMATICA 's extensive use of graphs helps students visualize solutions as well as find analytical solutions to the problems. Course Contents: Basics in MATHEMATICA, Mechanics, Electricity, Magnetism, Oscillation*, Optics*, Quantum Physics*, Statistical Physics*To teach physics major students with sophisticated ability in solving mathematical equations aided by MATHEMATICA software. This technique is applied to many respects in physics, such as mechanics, oscillations, electricity, magnetism, optics, and quantum physics. Students learn physics, mathematics, and MATHEMATICA by applying the system to numerous physics problems drawn from a broad range of topics in physics. MATHEMATICA's extensive use of graphs helps students visualize solutions as well as find analytical solutions to the problems. Course Contents: Basics in MATHEMATICA, Mechanics, Electricity, Magnetism, Oscillation*, Optics*, Quantum Physics*, Statistical Physics*

參考書目 Reference Books

平装 – 2013年8月1日
董键 (作者)
Mathematica and University Physical Computing (2nd Edition)
Paperback – August 1, 2013
Dong Jian (Author)
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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[C103] Wednesday/7[C104]
授課教師 Teacher:丁君毅
修課班級 Class:應物系2-4
選課備註 Memo:需自備筆記型電腦
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 25 人。

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