1. 使學生具備奈米物理學基本知識,提高學生對奈米科學的興趣,並奠定修習奈米科技相關進階課程的基礎。
2. 簡介近年奈米科技的現象與發展,使修課的學生對奈米科技在各方面的應用有初步的概念與認知、並開發學生吸收奈米科技知識的潛力。
3. 藉由奈米科技重要性與研究方法的介紹,啟發學生對奈米科技研究興趣,提供其進一步進行學術研究的動力與方向。以介紹奈米科技的發展及其基本原理為主,引導學生具備以後進深自修相關領域技術的能力1. Let students have basic knowledge of nano physics, improve students' interest in nano science, and lay the foundation for practicing advanced courses for nano technology.
2. Introduction to the phenomenon and development of nanomi technology in recent years, so that the students in the course have preliminary concepts and cognitions of nano technology in various aspects, and develop students' potential to absorb nano technology knowledge.
3. Through the introduction of the importance and research methods of nano, students are inspired by students' interest in nano technology research and providing their motivation and direction of further academic research. To introduce the development of nano -technology and its basic principles, guide students to have the ability to enter the technical in the future in depth self -cultivation.
Self -presence
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 Secondary entrance examination |
30 | 期中考後會再視學生學習情況調整 |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
30 | 期中考後會再視學生學習情況調整 |
平時表現與作業平時表現與作業 Usually performance and homework |
15 | 期中考後會再視學生學習情況調整 |
平時考平時考 Usually take the test |
25 | 期中考後會再視學生學習情況調整 |