course information of 106 - 2 | 0436 Topics in Mythology(價值與文化:神話專題)

Taught In English0436 - 價值與文化:神話專題 Topics in Mythology

教育目標 Course Target

神話,並非如一般人所認為的,僅只反映出一民族未臻文明階段前之原始思維與宗教性格。事實正好相反。一民族之文明發展、乃至其思維模式,往往從作為始點的神話階段便已奠定了基礎。中西方神話思想的差異,因而從一開始,便已決定雙方文明往後截然不同的發展走向(中國文化之發展固非始於神話,然而仍可從目前所能閱讀到的神話故事及文獻中,比較其與西方神話思維的實質差異)。閱讀神話,實可有這層意義及認識。神話故而並非只是單純對於神靈世系或神靈性格的描述、非只反映了神話作者之想像力或創造力;而更直接反映了一民族文明之思維方式、及其看待世界與人類存在處境時之一種真理觀法。而這種觀法,直至文明的今日,仍然起著主導性之影響及作用。 本課程的設計,試圖透過對中西方神話之閱讀,從中說明、展示在每個神話故事背後所蘊含的內在意義與精神,並作出比較與整理。讓同學能進而了解神話內涵更為深遠且嚴肅之意義;同時對於神話作者在傳述這些神話時之心懷與真實用意,能有相應的認識,從中對自我之生命與價值觀、人生態度有所反省。期能藉由神話的閱讀,啟發學員的思考能力及對於自我人生的省思。 課程具體之教學目標如下: 1.透過中西方神話經典的導讀,使同學們瞭解神話思維對於中西雙方文明所產生的決定性影響及意義。 2.透過若干主題式的討論,例如對中西方神話在創世問題、力量觀、婚姻觀、以及對於文明看法的差異情形進行分析與解說,使同學們瞭解神話思想對於現代社會的影響力與指示作用。 3.透過小組分組報告的方式,教導同學們針對主題進行資料蒐集與整理的基本能力,以及表達、思辨、提問反應、分析整合、台風等諸向能力,同時培養同學們團隊分工合作的精神。Myths are not what ordinary people think, but only reflect the original thinking and religious character of a nation before it reaches its civilization. The fact is exactly the opposite. The development of civilization of a nation and its thinking model often laid the foundation from the mythical stage as the beginning. The differences in the mythological thoughts between China and the West have therefore decided from the very beginning that the development direction of two civilizations will be completely different (the development of Chinese culture does not begin with mythology, but it can still be compared with the quality differences between the mythological stories and texts that can be read at present). When reading myths, you can actually have this meaning and understanding. Myths are not just a pure description of the divine lineage or divine personality, nor only reflect the imagination or creativity of the mythology author; but also directly reflects the way of thinking of national civilization and one of the truth-telling methods when viewing the world and human existence. And this method of view still plays a leading role in the present day of civilization. The design of this course is to explain and show the inner meaning and spirit contained behind each myth story through reading Chinese and Western myths, and to compare and organize it. It allows students to understand the connotation of mythology more profound and serious meaning; at the same time, they can have corresponding understanding of the mind and true intention of the mythology author when circulating these mythology, and reflect on their own life, value and life attitude. I hope to develop the thinking ability and reflection on my own life through reading myths. The specific teaching objectives of the course are as follows: 1. Through the guidance of Chinese and Western mythological classics, students can understand the decisive impact and meaning of mythological thinking on both Chinese and Western civilizations. 2. Through several topical discussions, such as analyzing and interpreting the differences in Chinese and Western myths in the world, power, marriage, and the differences in the view of civilization, so that students can understand the impact and indicative role of mythological thought on modern society. 3. Through the sub-group reporting method, teach students the basic ability to collect and organize data on the topic, as well as the directional ability such as expression, thinking, making responsiveness, analytical and integration, and Taiwanese style, and cultivate the spirit of division of labor and cooperation among the students.

參考書目 Reference Books

Hesiod Epic Cycle Homerica H.G. Evelyn-White Harvard University Press 1959
讓‧皮埃爾‧韋爾南(Jean Pierre Vernant):《神話與政治之間》,三聯書店,2001
Hesiod Epic Cycle Homerica H.G. Evelyn-White Harvard University Press 1959
Homer: "Iliad", "Odds", Cat Head Press, 2004
Hesiod: "The Sect of God", "Work and Day", Taiwan Business Printing Library, 1999
Jean Pierre Vernant: "The Between Myth and Politics", Sanlian Bookstore, 2001
Yuan Ke: "Collected Works of Myths", Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 1982
Yuan Ke: "Ancient Chinese Myths", Beijing, China Book Bureau, 1981
Xu Yiduo: "Research on Myths", Chengdu, Bashu Bookstore, 2002

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
30 筆試
Final exam
40 筆試
Regular achievements
10 出席

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/2,3,4[H209]
授課教師 Teacher:吳元豐
修課班級 Class:哲學系2-4
選課備註 Memo:專題
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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