course information of 106 - 2 | 0429 Mou Zong-San(社會與政治:牟宗三)

Taught In English0429 - 社會與政治:牟宗三 Mou Zong-San

教育目標 Course Target

本課程介紹牟宗三的思想與學問,從其生平開始,主要讓學生學習哲人的精神,能有宏觀的視野,培養哲人的智慧,對於當代儒學有一基本認識,透過牟宗三的生平的基本認識,亦通達於儒家的學問。牟宗三於近五十歲時,於東海任教一到二年,東海通識發揚其精神,亦是合適,於其間,寫下了《五十自述》一書,可作為學子的人生哲學的學習典範,培養高貴的心靈,而不只是世俗的利害關係。除此之外,牟先生消化了康德的思想,而於中國文化原素中,加進了西方原素,讓中國文化能夠壯大發展,特別是學習西方的民主與科學的精神。而於中國學術生命,如魏晉玄理,隋唐佛學,宋明理學等,皆有專著明之。其反省中華民族的文化生命,以重開中國哲學的途徑。他的著作,都是針對時代或學術問題,而提供一解決之道。可謂有其深度與廣度,並為華人立一哲人的典範。而學生學習此課程,則能培養學生的宏觀態度與人文精神的深層價值。牟宗三的圓善論,中國哲學的特質,生命的學問等,甚至包括牟宗三的貫通中西的哲學,包括康德,儒釋道等,都是課程中所會提到之處,特別是中國哲學學的特質,乃牟先生對於四書的詮釋,對於儒家的天道性命相通而為一,有其獨到之處This course introduces Mou Zongsan's thoughts and questions. From his life, it mainly allows students to learn the spirit of philosophers, have a broad vision, cultivate the wisdom of philosophers, and have a basic understanding of contemporary Confucianism. Through the basic understanding of Mou Zongsan's life, it also meets Confucian learning questions. When Mou Zongsan was nearly fifty years old, he taught in Donghai for one to two years. Donghai was well aware of his spirit. It was also suitable. In between, he wrote the book "Fifty Self-Readings", which can be used as a learning script for the students' philosophy of life and cultivate a valuable mind, not just the secular interests. In addition, Mr. Mou digested Kant's thoughts and added Western elements to the Chinese cultural elements, allowing Chinese culture to develop greatly, especially the spirit of democracy and science in the West. However, in the study of Chinese art and life, such as the study of the mysterious theory of Wei, the study of Buddhism of Sui and Tang Dynasties, the study of Song and Ming dynasties, etc., they all have special emphasis on it. It reflects on the cultural life of the Chinese nation to reopen the path of Chinese philosophy. His works provide a solution to the problems of the times or academics. It can be said to have its depth and breadth, and it establishes a philosopher's classic for Chinese people. Students can cultivate students' macro-view and profound value of humanistic spirit. Mou Zongsan's good deeds, the characteristics of Chinese philosophy, the learning of life, etc., and even Mou Zongsan's philosophy of understanding Chinese and Western styles, including Kant, Confucianism, etc., are all mentioned in the course, especially the characteristics of Chinese philosophy. Mr. Mou's comment on the four books, and the mutual connection between the laws of heaven and life of Confucianism, has its own uniqueness.

參考書目 Reference Books

Mou Zongsan's "Study on Life"
Mou Zongsan's "Fifty Self-Report"
Mou Zongsan's "Times and Feelings"
Mou Zongsan's "Research on Chinese Culture"
Mou Zongsan's "Absolute Discussion"
Mou Zongsan's "The Characteristics of Chinese Philosophy"

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
Final exam
Normal achievements

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/7,8,9[LAN011]
授課教師 Teacher:蔡家和
修課班級 Class:哲學系3,4
選課備註 Memo:中哲,第一次上課未到不得選;通識中心3439雙掛課程
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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