本課程介紹現代認知科學典範轉移所涉及的哲學概念,帶給學生了解認知科學之為現代尖端科學及科技,其典範轉移的主要構思基礎。學生學習之後並且將了解各樣人工智能的應用與人文社會互動的主要方式。認知科學最早的開始可以溯源到二次世界大戰期間,英國數學家圖林思考要發明一個會思考的機器,從那時候至今,認知科學經歷三個科學典範轉移的辯論,第一個典範轉移是開始辯論電腦有無可能像人一樣會思考(原先這根本被認為是不可能的事!)?第二個典範轉移是辯論認知表徵的格式,究竟是符號亦或是分散式的?第三個典範轉移是辯論表徵是內部的或還有外部因素,包括身體、環境、以及社會?這個辯論持續至今仍在熱烈進行。這三個典範轉移也構成當代世界觀裡的一些分歧內涵。This course introduces the philosophical concepts involved in the transfer of the classics of modern cognitive science, and brings students to understand that the main ideological basis of the transformation of cognitive science is modern cutting-edge science and technology. After learning, students will understand the main ways in which various artificial intelligence applications interact with humanities and society. The earliest beginning of intellectual science can be traced to the Second World War. British mathematician Torino Si thought about inventing a machine that could think. Since then, since the discussion on the three scientific classics of the transition, the first classic was to start discussing that there is no possibility of computers thinking like people (it was originally considered impossible!)? The second classical transition is a format for debunking the recognition representation. Is it a symbol or a decentralized form? Is the third classical transition arguing whether the statement is internal or external, including the body, the environment, and society? This discussion continues to be held enthusiastically. These three classical patterns also form some divergent connotations in the contemporary world.
Clark, A. (2013). Mindware: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Oxford University Press.
Main textbooks
Clark, A. (2013). Mindware: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Oxford University Press.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出缺席出缺席 Absent |
20 | |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
30 | |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
50 |