course information of 106 - 2 | 0418 Reasons and Rationality(知識與實在:理由與理性)

Taught In English0418 - 知識與實在:理由與理性 Reasons and Rationality

教育目標 Course Target

什麼是我們最有理由去做、或者想要去做的事? 做了什麼事、或者想要做什麼事, 我們才是最理性的? 理由由事實所提供, 要求一個人對理由做出恰當的回應, 形成正確的命題態度。理性管理一個人的命題態度, 要求他根據理性原則去持有或放棄某個命題態度, 以維持態度之間的融貫或一致。當一個人掌握了相關的事實時, 他最有理由去做的事, 就是理性會要求他去做的事。若是一個人對相關的事實一無所知, 他最有理由去做的事, 可能對他來說會是一個不理性的行動。理由有規範性, 這似乎是廣被接受的。如果我們能找到一個理由來說明我們為什麼應該遵守理性的要求, 理性就有規範性。但是, 我們有理由要是理性的嗎? 我們為什麼要是理性的? 如果找不到一個理由來解釋我們為什麼要遵守理性原則, 理性是不是就沒有規範性? 本課程將介紹理由、理性的概念, 並討論理由和理性的規範性。 What is the most reasonable thing we have to do or want to do? What we do or want to do, are we the most rational? Reasons are provided by facts, requiring a person to respond appropriately to the reasons and form the correct proposition. Rationally manage a person's fate, requiring him to hold or give up a certain fate based on rational principles, so as to maintain the integration or consistency between the conditions. When a person has mastered the relevant facts, the thing he has the most reason to do is what reason will ask him to do. If a person knows nothing about the relevant facts, what he has the most reason to do may be an irrational action for him. The reason is specific, and this seems to be widely accepted. If we can find a reason to explain why we should abide by the requirements of reason, rationality is standardized. But do we have a reason to be rational? Why do we have rationality? If we can't find a reason to explain why we have to abide by the principle of rationality, is rationality not subject to regulation? This course will introduce the concept of reason, rationality, and discuss the specification of reason and rationality.

參考書目 Reference Books

Raz, ‘Explaining Normativity: On Rationality and the Justification of Reasons’ (1999)
Parfit, ‘Rationality and Reasons’ (2001)
Broome, ‘Reasons’ (2004)
Broome, ‘Is Rationality Normative?’ (2007)

Southwood, ‘Vindicating the Normativity of Rationality’ (2008)
Dancy, ‘Reasons and Rationality’ (2012)

Raz, ‘Explaining Normativity: On Rationality and the Justification of Reasons’ (1999)
Parfit, ‘Rationality and Reasons’ (2001)
Broome, ‘Reasons’ (2004)
Broome, ‘Is Rationality Normative?’ (2007)
Southwood, ‘Vindicating the Normativity of Rationality’ (2008)
Dancy, ‘Reasons and Rationality’ (2012)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
作業 (五次)作業 (五次)
Operation (five times)
50 每次作業分數佔學期總成績10%, 共五次
Final report
40 請在6/25之前繳交
Class Participation

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-1
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/2,3,4[H122]
授課教師 Teacher:李蕙容
修課班級 Class:哲學系2-4
選課備註 Memo:專題,集中授課,共上6次課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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