course information of 106 - 2 | 0417 Hu Hong’s knowing Doctrine(原典:胡宏的《知言》)

Taught In English0417 - 原典:胡宏的《知言》 Hu Hong’s knowing Doctrine

教育目標 Course Target

胡宏是重要的宋明理學家,其學源自二程,歷來未受到足夠重視,直到牟宗三將之與劉宗周定性為宋明理學的「第三系」(五峰蕺山系),並且認為是北宋周敦頤、張載、程顥三家的嫡傳,此後才願顯其獨特之處。宏之學生張栻(南軒)囗湖鄉學派代表人物,南宋時與朱熹交好,宏之學因而對朱熹參悟中和問題有過重要影響,爾後朱熹作《知言疑義》,更是對胡宏之學頗有議論。本課程將帶領學生,逐章、逐條、逐句研讀《知言》,以期能鍛鍊研讀原典能力,並把握胡宏思想宗旨與思維特點。最後,則研讀朱熹《知言疑義》。 Hu Hong was an important Song and Ming wise scholar. His studies originated from the Second Cheng Dynasty and have not been fully appreciated. It was not until Mou Zongsan and Liu Zongzhou identified them as the "third system" (the Wufengxie Mountain System) of Song and Ming wise scholars, and they believed that they were the legitimate descendants of Zhou Dunxi, Zhang Liu and Cheng Jun of the Northern Song Dynasty. They were not willing to show their unique locations later. Hong's student Zhang Feng (Nan Zheng) was a representative figure of the Hubei and country school. He had a good relationship with Zhu Xi during the Southern Song Dynasty. Hong's learning thus had an important impact on Zhu Xi's understanding of Zhonghe problems. Later, Zhu Xi wrote "Knowing Words and Questioning" which even argued about Hu Hong's learning. This course will lead students to study "Zhiyan" chapter by chapter, paragraph by paragraph, and sentence by sentence, in order to be able to study the original classics and grasp Hu Hong's ideological purpose and thinking characteristics. Finally, I studied Zhu Xi's "Knowing Words and Questioning Issues".

參考書目 Reference Books


1. Hu Hong, "Hu Hong Collection", Beijing: China Book Bureau, 2009.
2. Huang Zongxi, "School of Song and Yuan dynasties", Beijing: China Book Bureau, 1983.
3. Mou Zongsan, "Mind and Nature", Taipei: Student Book Bureau.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance rate
Three operations
Final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/3,4[H309]
授課教師 Teacher:林久絡
修課班級 Class:哲學系1-4
選課備註 Memo:中哲
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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