course information of 106 - 2 | 0345 Taiwan-Japan Social-Linguistic(台日社會語言分析(二))

Taught In English0345 - 台日社會語言分析(二) Taiwan-Japan Social-Linguistic

教育目標 Course Target

この授業は,一学期の社會語言分析(一)との関連性の高い授業となる. 言語と社会の関係,社会の中の言語の立場・地位などについての私たちが有している「常識」「当たり前」について,台湾・日本・アジアなど様々な地域を例にとりながら考え(直し)たい.自分たちが普段使っていることば,様々な他者の持つことばへの想い,気持ち,態度などについて,多種多様な資料を使った分析を試みる. 文献・資料の精読・分析とともに,自己体験の報告や「異なる立場の人々」との交流も行う予定. 「自分のこと」「「あなた(身近な他者)」のこと」「他者(彼﹧彼女ら)のこと」「世界のこと」を分析・研究・考察する際の「心構え」や「じっくり考える」態度を培うこと,が大きな目標となります. 言語と社會の關系の検討を通して「正しい言語習得」という考え方についても検討する.二学期は,言語と国家,地域,社会の関係について,いわゆる「macro社会言語学」的な視点から考察したい. 言語に関する学問的知識や教養を増やすだけではなく,私たちの生活や「生き方」「善き生」に身近に関わるものとして言語について考えていきたい.対象となる地域は主に台灣と日本だが,植民地主義や全球化といった跨國的な状況も検討対象になる. 例えば 1. 言語政策・国語政策:国や地方の政治行政が行う言語に関係のある政策(国語の決定,教育言語の決定,裁判とことば,行政窓口で使う言語等) 2. 外籍人士・外籍勞工・外籍新娘・新台湾之子の言語習得:外国にルーツを持つ人たちは台湾・日本でどのように暮らしているのか? 3. 多言語情報の発信:台湾・日本の移動者・移民たちに対する「言語サービス」はどうなっている?地震防災の多言語化は? 4. 民族(言語)教育:外国で民族に関する教育を行う意義や難しさについて考えるこの授業は,一学期の社會語言分析(一)との関連性の高い授業となる. The words and social ties, the words in the society stand on the stage, status and private positions in the society have "common knowledge" and "before" and "before" and "before" and Taiwan, Japan, region examples. The self-divided segment is used to make a general difference, the other person holds the idea, holds the attitude, and analyzes the various kinds of data. Documents and data analysis, and report on "distinct people" and exchanges. "Self-separation" """ """ (close to the other person)" ""other (that woman)" "the world" analysis, research and investigation of the "heart structure" "" じっくりりる" attitude, big target. The language and social relations are discussed in a comprehensive way. "The correct language is learned" and "the language is learned" and "the method is discussed in a formal way. In the second semester, the perspective of "macro social language" is investigated. The knowledge of learning about language and language is to teach you how to learn, and private life is to give birth to the "successful life" and "good life" and close life. The phenomenon of the regional ruler of Taiwan and Japan is the transnational phenomenon of landlordism. Example 1. Language Policy・Chinese Policy: Local political and administrative actions of the country (Chinese decision, educational decision, referee, administrative speech, etc.) 2. Foreigners, foreign workers, foreign brides, new Taiwan sons, are they saying: Foreigners, Taiwan, Japan, and Japan? 3. Multi-talk letter: Taiwan and Japan's mobile phones and immigrants "words" はどうなっている? The multi-talented approach to earthquake disaster prevention? 4. Ethnic (words) education: foreign national education

課程概述 Course Description

In-depth study of Taiwan-Japan social language analysis (I) and further learn the various phenomena that occur when using language in actual use and the relationship between language and society. and critically explore the function of language in society.

參考書目 Reference Books

譚璐美,劉傑(2008)『新華僑 老華僑―変容する日本の中国人社会』文藝春秋
中島智子(2004)「公教育における外国人学校の位置づけに関する試論 ― 私立学校であり民族学校であるということ ―」『プール学院大学研究紀要』第44号,pp.117-131


佛雷勒,保羅(Paulo Freire)『受壓迫者教育學』巨流出版
陳歆怡(2009)「驛鄉書寫: 移工移民報紙大放光采」『台湾光華雑誌』 第34巻第3号  p. 106-118
夏曉鵑(2002)『流離尋岸‭ ‬資本國際化下的「外籍新娘」現象』唐山出版社
蕭新煌(2004)『臺灣與東南亞‭: ‬南向政策與越南新娘』中央研究院亜太區域研究専題中心


Written by OECD (2007) "Immigration Children's Academic Ability-Social Background Learning and Influences of Akishi's Shop
Chihoko Kawamura, Atsushi Kondo, and Hirohiro Nakamoto (2009) "Immigration Policyへのアプローぁ』 Akishi Bookstore
Shinoya Kojiro, edited by Yuki Koshima (2007) "Theory of the Words and the Theory" Sanyuan Society
Katsuhiko Tanaka (1981) "ことばととととと」 Iwaha Bookstore
Katsuhiko Tanaka (2004) "ことばとはか》口" 吧吧家
Yu Lumei, Liu Jie (2008) "New China Girl Lao Hua Girl - 李卡るなの Chinese Society" Wen Yi Spring and Autumn
Tomoko Nakajima (2004) "Public Education Foreign School Position" Explanation - Private School National School - National School - "" "『ール College University Research Estimate" No. 44, pp.117-131
Yamamoto Maku, Kimura Yuro, Usui Yuyu (2004) "Modern modern language" Akishi Store

"Monthly Speech" by various poems

Qiu Fengwen (2005) "Gender and Movement-Asian Bride in Japan and Taiwan" Juliu Book Company
Freire, Paulo Freire, "Education of the Forced Person" published by the Giant Literature
Shi Zhengfeng (2002) "Code of Language Rights" Executive Yuan Hakka Committee
Hong Weiren (1992) "Taiwan Language Crisis" Qianwai Publishing House
Hong Weiren (1994) "Taiwan Language War and Strategic Analysis" First Taiwan Local Culture Research Conference
Huang Xuanyun (2004) "Speech Society and Ethnic Idea"
Chen Meiru (1998) "Review and Prospects of Taiwan's Language Education Policy" Kaohsiung Reproduction Book Publishing House
Chen Xinyi (2009) "Writing in the Border Book: The Immigration Papers of Immigration" "Taiwan Guanghua Biography" Volume 34 No. 3 p. 106-118
Xia Xiaolei (2002) "The phenomenon of "foreign bride" under the internationalization of capital" Tangshan Publishing House
Xia Xiaolei (2005) "Don't call me a foreign bride" Zuoban Publishing House
Xia Xiaolei, Chen Xinxing, Huang Debei (2008) "Immigration and Immigration under Globalization (Part 1)" Taiwan Social Research Journal 13, Tangshan Publishing House
Xia Xiaolei, Chen Xinxing, Huang Debei (2008) "Immigration and Immigration under Globalization (Registered)" Taiwan Social Research Journal 13, Tangshan Publishing House
Written by Yu Yu Guangding, Liu Meihui, You Meihui (2008) "Multi-cultural Education" Higher Education Culture Publishing
Liu Arong (2006) "Multi-cultural and ethnic relations"
Blue Peggy (2008) "Transnational Cinderella: When Southeast Asia_Meet the New Rich Family in Taiwan" Pedestrian Publishing House
Jade Yuling (2008) "We: Life Notes of Movement and Movement" Printing Press
Xinhuang (2004) "Taiwan and Southeast Asia: Southbound Policy and Vietnamese Bride" Center for Research Sub-Pacific Regions of Central Research

"Taiwan Social Research Quarterly" various poems

The first chapter of the article is a professional and detailed lecture.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
30 遅刻・欠席は厳しく減点します
Instructions for participation
10 授業中の態度重視.討論・質問などさまざまな取り組みを評価します
10 担当論文のまとめ,ディスカッション,意見表明など
報告書 宿題 試験報告書 宿題 試験
Report Questions Trial
50 報告・宿題・試験など

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學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/5,6[HT302]
授課教師 Teacher:松永稔也
修課班級 Class:日文系1-4
選課備註 Memo:I 類。本課程以大三修習為佳。
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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