course information of 106 - 2 | 0329 Introduction to Socio-Cultural Studies(社會文化概論)

Taught In English0329 - 社會文化概論 Introduction to Socio-Cultural Studies

教育目標 Course Target

生活中「消費」是不可或缺的,因此看消費社會的演進便可投射出歷史洪流的變遷,也能了解大眾生活是如何受到社會環境的影響。本課程以「日常生活」的「消費」為切入點,理解近代﹑當代日本與台灣之間社會的發展及文化流動,並透過文獻解讀﹑實際調查或訪視,培養同學們對問題意識的敏感度﹑批判分析能力,進而對現今的台灣社會進行比較或反思。   前半部分將以近代日本與台灣的嗜好品﹑休閒娛樂等為主題,並介紹資料收集與分析方法,後半則將重點移至日本大眾文化對現今台灣的影響。同時配合電影紀錄片欣賞﹑文獻導讀及分組發表等活動,期望同學在平日的生活中也能有新的發想,並加深對自己土地的理解與人文關懷。 (*本課程內容及評量標準等將視班級學習情況隨時做調整變動,並以開學後公布於教學平台上之內容為準)"Consumption" is indispensable in life, so looking at the evolution of the consumer society can project the changes of the torrent of history and understand how the lives of the public are affected by the social environment. This course takes the "consumption" of "daily life" as the starting point, understands the development and cultural movement of society between modern and contemporary Japan and Taiwan, and cultivates students' sensitivity to problem awareness and critical analysis ability, and then compares or reflects on today's Taiwanese society. The first half will focus on modern Japan and Taiwan's hobbies, leisure and entertainment, etc., and introduce data collection and analysis methods. In the second half, the focus will be moved to the impact of Japanese popular culture on today's Taiwan. At the same time, we cooperate with activities such as film recording appreciation, literary guidance and sub-publication. We hope that students can have new ideas in their daily lives and deepen their understanding of their own land and humanities. (*The content and evaluation standards of this course will adjust and change the class-level learning situation at any time, and the content announced on the teaching platform after starting school is as follows)

課程概述 Course Description

This course is listed in the "Overview of Representative Culture" and "Overview of Language Communication", which is one of the compulsory basic courses in this department. The main purpose of this course is to cultivate students' basic abilities to develop various social problems. By thinking about the definition of "social", students can understand history, power, and interests with various levels, how to make contracts and influence communication between people, laying the foundation for students to choose related courses such as social areas.

參考書目 Reference Books


洪麗雯 〈日治時期臺灣牛乳飲用的開展與文化意涵〉《中國飲食文化》(2011/07)
P. 81-122。
陳玉箴 〈日本化的西洋味:日治時期臺灣的西洋料理及臺人的消費實踐〉《台灣史研究》
中研院台灣史研究所 (2013/3)P. 79-125
第54期(2015/12)P. 95-148
史研究》第22卷第4期 中研院台灣史研究所(2015/11)P.1-34

ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日(2005)

1. Books:
Editor of Li Tianru (2002) "Japanese Popular Culture in Taiwan and Asia (1)(2)" Taipei: Far-lift Publishing House
Editor of Wang Hongren (2010) "Thought 14: Japanese Syndrome in Taiwan" Joint Press

2. Journal articles:
Hong Liwen  Exhibition and Cultural Connotation of Taiwan’s Cow Milk Beverage During the Japanese Treatment Period  Chinese Food Culture (2011/07)
P. 81-122.
Chen Yuzhen   Japanese-made Western Taste: Western cuisine in Taiwan and Taiwanese consumption practice during the Japanese reign of Japan   Research on Taiwan History
Institute of Taiwan History, China Research Institute (2013/3)P. 79-125
〈 Nutritional Discussion and Colonial Statistics: Dairy Production and Consumption in Taiwan during the Japanese Reign of Japan》《History of the Taiwan Master》
Issue 54 (2015/12) P. 95-148
Zeng Pinhuan's "Japanese cuisine in Taiwan: Community life of beef and Taiwan's intellectual level (1895-1960)" Taiwan
History Research Volume 22, Issue 4, Taiwan History Research Institute, China Research Institute (2015/11) P.1-34

3. Movie/Record:
Age of Dance (2010)
Our moment (2015)
Xiao さなおうち(2014)
ALWAYS SanchomeのYuhi (2005)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Group reading and reporting
Personal business or report
Class speech (added points)

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相似課程 Related Course

必修-0322 Introduction to Socio-Cultural Studies / 社會文化概論 (日文系2A,授課教師:金想容,一/7,8[HT302])

Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/7,8[HT302]
授課教師 Teacher:金想容
修課班級 Class:日文系2B
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 59 人。

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